
// 路径 application/config/auth.php
return array(

	| Retrieve The Current User
	| 获取当前用户
	| This closure is called by the Auth class' "user" method when trying to
	| retrieve a user by the ID that is stored in their session. If you find
	| the user, just return the user object, but make sure it has an "id"
	| property. If you can't find the user, just return null.
	| 当尝试通过存储在session中的ID获取一个用户的时候,这个闭包被Auth类的user方法调用。
    | 如果找到这个用户,就会返回一个用户对象,但是请确认它有一个id属性。如果没有找到这个用户,就返回null。
	| Of course, a simple and elegant authentication solution has already
	| been provided for you using the query builder and hashing engine.
	| We love making your life as easy as possible.
	| 当然,一个简单的和优雅的授权解决方法已经为你提供了,是通过使用查询构造器和hash引擎。 我们喜欢让你的生活变得尽可能容易。

	'user' => function($id)
	    // 通过过滤器判断id是否为int型
		if (filter_var($id, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) !== false)
		    // 查询指定id的用户
			return DB::table('users')->find($id);

	| Authenticate User Credentials
	| 验证用户凭证
	| This closure is called by the Auth::attempt() method when attempting to
	| authenticate a user that is logging into your application. It's like a
	| super buff bouncer to your application.
	| 当一个用户试图登录应用的时候,这个闭包通过Auth::attempt()方法被调用。
	| If the provided credentials are correct, simply return an object that
	| represents the user being authenticated. As long as it has a property
	| for the "id", any object will work. If the credentials are not valid,
	| you don't meed to return anything.
	| 如果提供的凭证是正确的,代表被授权的一个对象将被返回。只要它有一个id属性,任何对象就是可行的。
	| 如果拼争不合理,你不必返回任何东西。

	'attempt' => function($username, $password)
	    // 查询指定用户名的用户
		$user = DB::table('users')->where_username($username)->first();

		// 判断用户存在而且密码正确
		if ( ! is_null($user) and Hash::check($password, $user->password))
			return $user;

	| Logout The Current User
	| 注销当前用户
	| Here you may do anything that needs to be done when a user logs out of
	| your application, such as call the logout method on a third-party API
	| you are using for authentication or anything else you desire.
	| 当一个用户退出你的应用的时候,这儿有一些需要处理的事情你可能要去做,像调用在你在使用的授权的第三方API上的退出方法,
	| 或者你渴望的其他任何事情。

	'logout' => function($user) {},

	| "Remember Me" Cookie Name
	| “记住我” Cookie名称
	| Here you may specify the cookie name that will be used for the cookie
	| that serves as the "remember me" token. Of course, a sensible default
	| has been set for you, so you probably don't need to change it.
	| 需要"记住我"的token的cookie制定cookie名。当然,这里为你设置了一个默认的,因此你可能不必改变它。

	'cookie' => 'laravel_remember',


github地址: https://github.com/liu-shilong/laravel3-scr

上一篇:Kong 基础认证插件 ( Basic auth )

下一篇:SQL学习01:SQL 2008 R2安装部署