nrm 常用命令

PS F:\nodeDemo2> nrm -h
Usage: cli [options] [command]

-V, --version output the version number
-h, --help output usage information

ls List all the registries
current Show current registry name
use <registry> Change registry to registry
add <registry> <url> [home] Add one custom registry
set-auth [options] <registry> [value] Set authorize information for a custom registry with a base64 encoded string or username and pasword
set-email <registry> <value> Set email for a custom registry
set-hosted-repo <registry> <value> Set hosted npm repository for a custom registry to publish packages
del <registry> Delete one custom registry
home <registry> [browser] Open the homepage of registry with optional browser
publish [options] [<tarball>|<folder>] Publish package to current registry if current registry is a custom registry.
if you're not using custom registry, this command will run npm publish directly
test [registry] Show response time for specific or all registries
help Print this help
PS F:\nodeDemo2>


下一篇:使用内置的Java JAX-WS Web服务器发布多个端点