
  1. antipoverty
  2. turnaround
  3. forest
  4. forestation
  5. deforestation
  6. last year marked the third year in a raw of.[marked 相当于was]
  7. Last year marked the third year in a raw of when Indonesia‘s bleak rate of deforestation has slowed in pace.
  8. One reason for the turnaround may be the country‘s antipoverty program.
  9. resident
  10. assistance
  11. be designed to
  12. inequality
  13. dozen[一打、十二个]/in dozens of[几十个]
  14. substantially[大幅度地]
  15. severe
  16. In 2009,Indonesia started phasing in a program.
  17. In Indonesia,the program has provided enough food and medicine to substantially reduce severe growth problems among children.
  18. But CCT programs don‘t generally consider effects on the environment.
  19. alleviation
  20. conflict
  21. poverty alleviation
  22. In fact, poverty alleviation and environmental protection are often viewed as conflicting goals, says Paul Ferraro,an economist at Johns Hopkins University.
  23. be correlated with
  24. degradation
  25. That‘s because economic growth can be correlated with environmental degradation,while protecting the environment is sometimes correlated with greater poverty.
  26. However, those correlations don‘t prove cause and effect.
  27. previous
  28. causality
  29. institute
  30. The only previous study analyzing causality, based on an area in Mexico that had instituted CCTs, supported the traditional view.
  31. cattle
  32. have more cleared land for cattle to raise for meat.
  33. There,as people got more money,some of them may have more cleared land for cattle to raise for meat.
  34. do not have to negatively affect[不一定对...有负面影响]
  35. if[如果、还有是否的意思别忘了]
  36. see[看见,还有想知道,想了解]
  37. poverty-alleviation
  38. Such programs do not have to negatively affect the environment,though.Ferraro wanted to see if Indonesia‘s poverty-alleviation program was affecting deforestation.
  39. tropical
  40. tropical forest
  41. Indonesia has the third-largest area of tropical forest in the world and one of the highest deforestation rates.
  42. satellite
  43. annual
  44. phase-in
  45. multiple
  46. the duo
  47. separate
  48. macroeconomic
  49. be associated with
  50. a 30 percent reduction 
  51. Ferraro analyzed satellite data showing annual forest loss from 2008 to 2012 -including during Indonesia‘s phase-in of the antipoverty program-in 7,312 forested villages across 15 provinces and multiple islands.
  52. The duo separated the effects of the CCT program on forest loss from other factor, like weather and macroeconomic changes, which were also affecting forest loss.
  53. With that,"we see that the program is associated with a 30 percent reduction in deforestation."
  54. makeshift insurance policies
  55. inclement
  56. supplement 
  57. harvest
  58. instead
  59. rural
  60. That‘s likely because the rural poor are using the money as makeshift insurance polices against inclement weather.
  61. Typically[通常情况下]
  62. Typically,if rains are delayed, people may clear land to plant more rice to supplement their harvests.
  63. With the CCTs,individuals instead can use the money to supplement their harvests.
  64. Whether this research translates elsewhere is anybody‘s guess.[这个不好翻译:这项研究是否适用于其他地方还有待猜测]
  65. suggest[建议、还有指出了的意思]
  66. market access[进入市场]
  67. Ferraro suggests the importance of growing rice and market access.[非洛拉指出了种植水稻和进入市场的重要性]
  68. regardless
  69. transferability
  70. carbon dioxide emissions
  71. And regardless of transferability, the study shows that what‘s good for people may also be good for the value of the avoided deforestation just for carbon dioxide emissions alone is more than the program costs.
  72. aim to[旨在、目标在于、以...为目标]
  73. facilitate
  74. health care
  75. facilitate health care reform
  76. help poor families get better off[帮助贫困家庭致富]
  77. ...is cited to show that...[...被引用来说明...]
  78. cattle rearing
  79. cattle rearing has been a major means of livelihood for the poor.
  80. preserve
  81. CCT programs have helped preserve traditional lifestyle.
  82. antipoverty effort require the participation of local farmers.[扶贫工作需要当地农民的参与]
  83. tend to[倾向于、往往会]
  84. cause[导致]
  85. degradation
  86. economic growth tends to cause environmental degradation.
  87. intend to find out...[打算找出答案]
  88. acceptance level
  89. acceptance
  90. annual rate of poverty alleviation[年扶贫率]
  91. the relation of CCTs to its forest loss.[CCTs与森岭损失的关系]
  92. the relation of ... to ...
  93. the role of...[...的作用、...的角色]
  94. in climate change
  95. the role of its forests in climate change.
  96. valuable[有价值的]
  97. reduce regional inequality
  98. boost grain production
  99. what is the text centered on?[这篇课文的中心是什么]
  100. center on[以...为中心]
  101. the effects of a program.
  102. the debates over a program.
  103. the transferability of a study.
  104. the process of a study.


