PCA understanding

PCA understanding

PCA understanding


PCA understanding

PCA understanding

可以从上图看出camera A,B,C的x,y轴相关度都很明显,数据有冗余。

l 如何压缩数据?如何去除数据中的噪声,或者合并数据中相关的维度(来获取x轴数据)

l How to change the basis of the data

Let X be the original data set, where each column is a single sample of our data set. In the toy

example X is an m×n matrix where m = 6 and n = 72000.Let Y be another m×n matrix related by a linear transformation P. X is the original recorded data set and Y is a new representation of that data set. m=6(每组数据6维度)n=72000(72000组sample)

PCA understandingPCA understandingPCA understanding

PCA understanding

从数学方面解释就是,找个一个正定矩阵P, 使得数据X转换到Y之后(Y=PX),使得PCA understanding是对角矩阵,The rows of P are the principal components of X. PCA understanding



PCA understandingPCA understanding

可以看出通过SVD变换,对于X可以找出PCA中的转换矩阵P=U’, 对于X’可以找出PCA中的转换矩阵P=V’.





上一篇:加载程序到android虚拟机报错: android.widget.RelativeLayout cannot be cast to android.widget.Button

下一篇:sqlmap.config 配置