1 - 数据分析概论:一个很大的范围里面确定一件很具体的事情;
2 - SQL对数据进行查询:select列名from表名where筛选条件order by排序limit数量;
3 - 用SQL抽样统计:count,sum,max,min,avg+group by聚合函数的使用及分析;
select a.groupid,a.total_kill, count(a.total_kill) as frequency from (select groupid,matchid, sum(kills) as total_kill from juediqs group by groupid) a group by total_kill order by frequency asc limit 100;
4 - 用SQL关联,转置:
- 列名相等,用union all将数据首位相接;select 字段 from a表 union all select 字段 from b表
create table ds_indian_restarants_price select f1 as item_name, f2 as product_price, ‘res_1‘ as brand_tag from restaurant1 union ALL select f1 as item_name, f2 as product_price, ‘res_2‘ as brand_tag from restaurant2;
- 取A,B表关联,关键字段进行拼接:select a.* b.字段 from 表名 a join 表名 b on a.字段=b.字段 and a.字段2=b.字段2
create table total_indian_restaurant_order_price SELECT a.`order number` as order_number, a.`order date` as order_date, a.`item name` as item_name, a.quantity,a.brand_tag, a.`total products` as products_number, b.product_price from ds_indian_restaurants_orders a JOIN ds_indian_restarants_price b ON a.`item name` = b.item_name and a.brand_tag=b.brand_tag;
- inner join实现对AB的交集
- left/right join(where B/A.key is null)实现对A/B-AB的交集