Chapter 5 Blood Type——26

"I saw his face — I could tell."

“我看到他的脸了 —— 我知道。”

"How did you see me? I thought you were ditching."


I was almost fine now, though the queasiness would probably pass faster if I'd eaten something for lunch.


On the other hand, maybe it was lucky my stomach was empty.


"I was in my car, listening to a CD." Such a normal response — it surprised me.


I heard the door and opened my eyes to see the nurse with a cold compress in her hand.


"Here you go, dear." She laid it across my forehead. "You're looking better," she added.


"I think I'm fine," I said, sitting up. Just a little ringing in my ears, no spinning. The mint green walls stayed where they should.


I could see she was about to make me lie back down, but the door opened just then, and Ms. Cope stuck her head in.


"We've got another one," she warned.


I hopped down to free up the cot for the next invalid.


I handed the compress back to the nurse. "Here, I don't need this."


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