

IR light only has enough energy to start molecules moving, not to break them apart or otherwise cause damage. 


LASER: light amplification by the stimulated emission of radiation.


3, what is relationship between laser and ir

One unusual form of IR radiation which can be immediately hazardous is a particular type of laser pointer. 


Some other commonly used lasers, classified by type of lasing material, and their emission wavelengths include:

Laser Type Wavelength
Argon fluoride (UV) 193
Krypton fluoride (UV) 248
Xenon fluoride (UV) 308
Nitrogen (UV) 337
Argon (blue) 488
Argon (green) 514
Helium neon (green) 543
Helium neon (red) 633
Nd:Yag* (near IR) 1064
Carbon Dioxide (far IR) 10600

* Neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet


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