1. AbstractReferenceCountedByteBuf类的成员变量
/** * Abstract base class for {@link ByteBuf} implementations that count references. */ public abstract class AbstractReferenceCountedByteBuf extends AbstractByteBuf { private static final long REFCNT_FIELD_OFFSET = ReferenceCountUpdater.getUnsafeOffset(AbstractReferenceCountedByteBuf.class, "refCnt"); private static final AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater<AbstractReferenceCountedByteBuf> AIF_UPDATER = AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater.newUpdater(AbstractReferenceCountedByteBuf.class, "refCnt"); private static final ReferenceCountUpdater<AbstractReferenceCountedByteBuf> updater = new ReferenceCountUpdater<AbstractReferenceCountedByteBuf>() { @Override protected AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater<AbstractReferenceCountedByteBuf> updater() { return AIF_UPDATER; } @Override protected long unsafeOffset() { return REFCNT_FIELD_OFFSET; } }; // Value might not equal "real" reference count, all access should be via the updater @SuppressWarnings("unused") private volatile int refCnt = updater.initialValue(); // 以下省略 }
成员变量REFCNT_FIELD_OFFSE用于标识refCnt字段在AbstractReferenceCountedByteBuf 中的内存地址。该内存地址的获取是JDK实现强相关的。
成员变量AIF_UPDATER 是AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater类型变量,通过原子的方式对成员变量进行更新等操作,以在不使用锁的情况下实现线程安全。其将操作后面声明的refCnt变量。
成员变量updater 是抽象类ReferenceCountUpdater的具体实现,其中重写了updater()和unsafeOffset()两个虚函数,传入了上面定义的REFCNT_FIELD_OFFSE和AIF_UPDATER 成员变量。成员变量updater 用于实现具体的引用计数功能。
public final int initialValue() { return 2; }
2. 对象引用计数器
AbstractReferenceCountedByteBuf类中有retain()和release() 函数。 retain()用来增加计数器的引用,release() 函数用来减少计数器的引用。
@Override public ByteBuf retain() { return updater.retain(this); } @Override public ByteBuf retain(int increment) { return updater.retain(this, increment); }
public final T retain(T instance) { return retain0(instance, 1, 2); } public final T retain(T instance, int increment) { // all changes to the raw count are 2x the "real" change - overflow is OK int rawIncrement = checkPositive(increment, "increment") << 1; return retain0(instance, increment, rawIncrement); } // rawIncrement == increment << 1 private T retain0(T instance, final int increment, final int rawIncrement) { int oldRef = updater().getAndAdd(instance, rawIncrement); if (oldRef != 2 && oldRef != 4 && (oldRef & 1) != 0) { throw new IllegalReferenceCountException(0, increment); } // don‘t pass 0! if ((oldRef <= 0 && oldRef + rawIncrement >= 0) || (oldRef >= 0 && oldRef + rawIncrement < oldRef)) { // overflow case updater().getAndAdd(instance, -rawIncrement); throw new IllegalReferenceCountException(realRefCnt(oldRef), increment); } return instance; }
@Override public boolean release() { return handleRelease(updater.release(this)); } @Override public boolean release(int decrement) { return handleRelease(updater.release(this, decrement)); } private boolean handleRelease(boolean result) { if (result) { deallocate(); } return result; } /** * Called once {@link #refCnt()} is equals 0. */ protected abstract void deallocate();
private boolean tryFinalRelease0(T instance, int expectRawCnt) { return updater().compareAndSet(instance, expectRawCnt, 1); // any odd number will work } private boolean nonFinalRelease0(T instance, int decrement, int rawCnt, int realCnt) { if (decrement < realCnt // all changes to the raw count are 2x the "real" change - overflow is OK && updater().compareAndSet(instance, rawCnt, rawCnt - (decrement << 1))) { return false; } return retryRelease0(instance, decrement); }