多个显示器, window.open的定位

// Pops a window relative to the current window position
function popup(url, winName, xOffset, yOffset) {
var x = (window.screenX || window.screenLeft || 0) + (xOffset || 0);
var y = (window.screenY || window.screenTop || 0) + (yOffset || 0);
return window.open(url, winName, 'top=' +y+ ',left=' +x))



function openWin(sURL, sWindowName, w, h, sScroll)
var x = (window.screenX || window.screenLeft || 0) + (screen.width - w) / 2;
var y = (window.screenY || window.screenTop || 0) + (screen.height - h) / 2; if (sScroll==null) sScroll = "no";//"yes" or no var sOption = "";
sOption = sOption + "toolbar=no, channelmode=no, location=no, directories=no, resizable=yes, menubar=no";
sOption = sOption + ", scrollbars=" + sScroll + ", left=" + x + ", top=" + y + ", width=" + w + ", height=" + h; var win = window.open(sURL, sWindowName, sOption);
return win;


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