「游记」Codeforces Round #729 (Div. 2)


A. Odd Set

问给出的 \(2*n\) 个数之间能否两两配对出 \(n\) 个奇数。显然是奇数个数等于偶数个数的情况,2分钟A掉了

B. Plus and Multiply



First judge specially if \(b=1\).

Let's consider when \(n\) is in \(S\). The answer is when the smallest number \(m\) in \(S\) that \(n\mod b=m \mod b\) is less than \(n\). It's easy to see that a new case of \(x \mod b\) can only appear when you use \(×a\) to generate a new element. So the smallest number \(m\) in \(S\) that \(m \mod b=k\) must be a power of \(a\).

Find all powers of \(a\) that is smaller than \(n\). If there is one \(m=ak\) that \(n \mod b=m \mod b\), the answer is yes. Otherwise it's no. Time complexity is \(O(logn)\).

C. Strange Function



For a given \(x\), when is \(f(n)\) equal to \(x\)?

上一篇:sql server 获取数据字段(表的字段和类型信息)

下一篇:怎样写一个好的 Gherkin