SELECT name,iata,icao,apid,x,y
FROM airports
FROM airports AS a
, flights AS f
WHERE (f.src_apid=a.apid OR f.dst_apid=a.apid) AND f.uid=[user_id]
假设用户只有一次航班,航班号为“ 3728”:
mysql> select * from flights where uid=35 and src_apid=3728 limit 1;
| uid | src_apid | src_time | dst_apid | distance | code | seat | seat_type | class | reason | plid | alid | trid | fid | duration | registration | note | upd_time | opp | src_date | mode |
| 35 | 3728 | NULL | 3992 | 4116 | NW16 | 23C | A | Y | L | 167 | 3731 | NULL | 107493 | 08:00:00 | | del. typhoon | 2008-10-04 10:40:58 | Y | 2001-08-22 | F |
mysql> select * from airports where y=21.318681;
| name | city | country | iata | icao | x | y | elevation | apid | uid | timezone | dst |
| Honolulu Intl | Honolulu | United States | HNL | PHNL | -157.922428 | 21.318681 | 13 | 3728 | NULL | -10 | N |
| Hickam Air Force Base | Honolulu | United States | | PHIK | -157.922428 | 21.318681 | 13 | 7055 | 3 | -10 | N |
如果运行原始查询,则子查询将返回y = 21.318681,这将匹配apid 3728(正确)或apid 7055(错误).
drop table airports;
drop table flights;
create table airports(
apid int not null
,apname varchar(50) not null
,x int not null
,y int not null
,primary key(apid)
create table flights(
flight_id int not null auto_increment
,src_apid int not null
,dst_apid int not null
,user_id varchar(20) not null
,foreign key(src_apid) references airports(apid)
,foreign key(dst_apid) references airports(apid)
,primary key(flight_id)
insert into airports(apid, apname, x, y) values(1, 'Northpole Civilian', 50, 100);
insert into airports(apid, apname, x, y) values(2, 'Northpole Military', 50, 100);
insert into airports(apid, apname, x, y) values(3, 'Transit point', 50, 50);
insert into airports(apid, apname, x, y) values(4, 'Southpole Civilian', 50, 0);
insert into airports(apid, apname, x, y) values(5, 'Southpole Military', 50, 0);
insert into flights(src_apid, dst_apid, user_id) values(4, 3, 'Family guy');
insert into flights(src_apid, dst_apid, user_id) values(3, 1, 'Family guy');
insert into flights(src_apid, dst_apid, user_id) values(5, 3, 'Mr Bazooka');
insert into flights(src_apid, dst_apid, user_id) values(3, 2, 'Mr Bazooka');
select airports.apid
from (select max(a.y) as y
from flights f
join airports a on (a.apid = f.src_apid or a.apid = f.dst_apid)
where f.user_id = 'Family guy'
) as northmost
join (select a.apid
from flights f
join airports a on (a.apid = f.src_apid or a.apid = f.dst_apid)
where f.user_id = 'Family guy'
) as userflights on(northmost.y = userflights.y)
join airports on(userflights.apid = airports.apid);
select airports.*
from (select case when s.y > d.y then s.apid else d.apid end as apid
,case when s.y > d.y then s.y else d.y end as northmost
from flights f
join airports s on(f.src_apid = s.apid)
join airports d on(f.dst_apid = d.apid)
where f.user_id = 'Family guy'
order by northmost desc
limit 1
) as user_flights
join airports on(airports.apid = user_flights.apid);