c – 无法使用嵌套指向其他结构的初始化struct


typedef struct
    unsigned short nbDetectors;
    //! structure of detector status
    struct DetectorStatus
        unsigned int lastError;         //< last detector internal error
        float temperature;              //< detector temperature
        detector_state state;           //< detector state
        unsigned short mode;            //< detector mode

        struct EnergyStatus
            power_source powerSource;           //< front-end power source
            frontend_position frontendPosition; //< front-end position relative to the docking station

            struct BatteryStatus
                bool present;                   //< battery present or not in the detector
                unsigned short charge;          //< charge level of the battery (in %)
                float voltageLevel;             //< battery voltage level
                float temperature;              //< temperature of the battery
                unsigned short chargeCycles;    //< number of charge/discharge cycles
                unsigned short accuracy;        //< Expected accuracy for charge level (in %)
                bool needCalibration;

            } batteryStatus;

        } * energyStatus;

        struct GridStatus
            detector_grid grid;

        } * gridStatus;

    } * detectorStatus;

} HardwareStatus;




HardwareStatus status;
status.detectorStatus->temperature = 20 + rand() % 10;
e.data = &status;
m_pContext->EventCallback( EVT_HARDWARE_STATUS, &e );


warning C4700: uninitialized local variable 'status' used

然后我意识到……结构中的指针指向垃圾,很好地捕获Visual Studio!那么我试着从声明一个最里面的结构(BatteryStatus)的实例开始,但那不会编译…因为它不是typedef(它说没有定义BatteryStatus类型)?所以我很难过……我如何填充结构?



// Getting structs on the stack initialized to zero
HardwareStatus status = { 0 };
HardwareStatus::DetectorStatus detectorStatus = { 0 };
HardwareStatus::DetectorStatus::EnergyStatus energyStatus = { 0 };
HardwareStatus::DetectorStatus::GridStatus gridStatus = { 0 };

// "Linking" structs
detectorStatus.energyStatus = &energyStatus;
detectorStatus.gridStatus = &gridStatus;
status.detectorStatus = &detectorStatus;

// Now you can fill and use them
status.detectorStatus->temperature = 20 + 3 % 10;
上一篇:javascript – 为什么我的嵌套if和else语句不起作用?
