js 实现win7任务栏拖动效果


在某个时刻, 我认识了一个朋友.

此人在我的教唆下, 踏上了js的不归路.

前天他问我, Win7任务栏拖动效果怎么实现.

我随口就跟他说, 这简单的一逼.

在我一晚上的折腾之后, 一份潦草的代码总算实现了功能.

PS: 我是搞C++的, js略懂一二..


话不多说, 上源码.

 //    常量
 var CELL_WIDTH    = 100;
 var CELL_HEIGHT = 50;

 var Utils = {
     pixelToInt: function(str)
         return parseInt( str.replace("px", "") );
     getTagLeft: function($tag)
         return this.pixelToInt( $tag.css("left") );
     getTagTop: function($tag)
         return this.pixelToInt( $tag.css("top") );
     getTagWidth: function($tag)
         return this.pixelToInt( $tag.css("width") );
     getTagHeight: function($tag)
         return this.pixelToInt( $tag.css("height") );
     setTagLeft: function($tag, x)
         $tag.css("left", x + "px");
     setTagTop: function($tag, y)
         $tag.css("top", y + "px");
     setTagWidth: function($tag, width)
         $tag.css("width", width + "px");
     setTagHeight: function($tag, height)
         $tag.css("left", height + "px");
     swapNode: function(ary, idx1, idx2)
         var t = ary[idx1];
         ary[idx1] = ary[idx2];
         ary[idx2] = t;

 function Taskbar()
     this._cells = [];
     this._frameTag = null;
     this._cellWidth = 0;
     this._cellHeight = 0;
     this._selNode = null;
     this._selIndex = -1;

     this._swapQueue = [];
     //    考虑优化.
     this._offsetPoint = {"x": 0, "y": 0};

 Taskbar.prototype.getTag = function()
     return this._frameTag;

 Taskbar.prototype.init = function(x, y, width, height, rgb)
     this._frameTag = $("<div></div>");
     this.setPosition(x, y);
     this.setContentSize(width, height);

     var self = this;
     this._frameTag.bind("mousedown", {"bar": self}, this.mouseDown);
     this._frameTag.bind("mouseup", {"bar": self}, this.mouseUp);
     this._frameTag.bind("mousemove", {"bar": self}, this.mouseMove);
     // this._frameTag.bind("mouseout", {"bar": self}, this.mouseOut);

 Taskbar.prototype.setPosition = function(x, y)
     this._frameTag.css("position", "absolute");
     this._frameTag.css("left", x + "px");
     this._frameTag.css("top", y + "px");

 Taskbar.prototype.setContentSize = function(width, height)
     this._frameTag.css("width", width + "px");
     this._frameTag.css("height", height + "px");

 Taskbar.prototype.setBackgroundColor = function(rgb)
     //    rgb => "rgb(0, 0, 0)".
     this._frameTag.css("background", rgb);

 Taskbar.prototype.appendNode = function($node)
     var frameWidth = Utils.getTagWidth( this._frameTag );
     var frameHeight = Utils.getTagHeight( this._frameTag );
     var length = this._cells.length + 1;
     this._cellWidth = frameWidth / length;
     this._cellHeight = frameHeight;
     $node.appendTo( this._frameTag );

     for ( var i = 0; i != length; ++i )
         Utils.setTagLeft( this._cells[i], i * this._cellWidth );
         Utils.setTagWidth( this._cells[i], this._cellWidth);

 Taskbar.prototype.mouseDown = function(e)
     var bar = e.data["bar"];

     if ( bar._selNode )
         return ;

     var index = bar.hitTest(e.clientX, e.clientY);
     if ( !bar.isInvalidIndex(index) )
         //    激活.
         bar._selIndex = index;
         bar._selNode = bar._cells[ index ];
         bar._selNode.css("z-index", 99);
         bar._cells[ index ] = null;

         //    保存偏移量, 保持鼠标拖动.
         var point = bar.converPoint(e.clientX, e.clientY);
         bar._offsetPoint.x = point.x - index * bar._cellWidth;
         bar._offsetPoint.y = point.y;


 Taskbar.prototype.mouseUp = function(e)
     var bar = e.data["bar"];

     if ( bar._selNode )
         //    加入交换.
         bar.appendSwap(bar._selNode, bar._selIndex);

         //    鼠标抬起后, 把选中的节点复位.
         // bar._cells[ bar._selIndex ] = bar._selNode;
         bar._cells[ bar._selIndex ].css("z-index", 1);
         bar._selIndex = -1;
         bar._selNode = null;

 Taskbar.prototype.mouseOut = function(e)
     var bar = e.data["bar"];

 Taskbar.prototype.mouseMove = function(e)
     var bar = e.data["bar"];
     if ( bar._selNode )
         var point = bar.converPoint(e.clientX, e.clientY);
         var moveX = point.x - bar._offsetPoint.x;

         //    防止位置溢出.
         bar.noOverflow( bar._selNode, moveX );

         //    挤开旁边的 float block.
         var curX = Utils.getTagLeft(bar._selNode),
             width = Utils.getTagWidth(bar._selNode),
             testX = curX + width / 2,
             hitIndex = bar.hitTest(testX, 0);
         if ( bar._selIndex != hitIndex )
             bar.appendSwap(bar._cells[hitIndex], bar._selIndex);
             bar._selIndex = hitIndex;

 Taskbar.prototype.appendSwap = function($node, index)
     this._cells[index] = $node;

     this._swapQueue.push({"node": $node, "index": index});

 Taskbar.prototype.noOverflow = function($node, moveX)
     var width = Utils.getTagWidth( $node ),
         frameWidth = Utils.getTagWidth( this._frameTag );

     if (moveX < 0)
         moveX = 0;
     else if ( moveX + width > frameWidth )
         moveX = frameWidth - width;

     Utils.setTagLeft( $node, moveX );

 Taskbar.prototype.resetNode = function()
     var self = this;
     var call = function($node, index)
         var oldX = Utils.getTagLeft($node),
             newX = index * self._cellWidth,
             diff = newX - oldX,
             stepCount = 10,
             step = diff / stepCount,
             curX = oldX;
             function call()
                 if ( stepCount != 0 )
                     curX += step;
                     Utils.setTagLeft($node, curX);
                     setTimeout(call, 10);
                     $node.css("z-index", 0);
                     Utils.setTagLeft($node, newX);

     for (var i in this._swapQueue)
         call(this._swapQueue[i].node, this._swapQueue[i].index);
     this._swapQueue = [];

 Taskbar.prototype.hitTest = function(x, y)
     //    y参数完全是个酱油.
     var point = this.converPoint(x, y);
     return parseInt(point.x / this._cellWidth);

 Taskbar.prototype.converPoint = function(x, y)
     var frameX = Utils.getTagLeft( this._frameTag );
         frameY = Utils.getTagTop( this._frameTag );
     return {
         "x": x -= frameX,
         "y": y -= frameY

 Taskbar.prototype.isInvalidIndex = function(index)
     return index < 0 || index >= this._cells.length;

 function init()
     var getCell = function(cls, left, top, name)
         return $(
             "<div class='_cls' name='_name' style='left: _leftpx; top: _toppx; width: _widthpx; height: _heightpx;'></div>"
             .replace("_cls", cls)
             .replace("_left", left)
             .replace("_top", top)
             .replace("_name", name)
             .replace("_width", CELL_WIDTH)
             .replace("_height", CELL_HEIGHT) );

      for (var i = 0; i != 5; ++i)
          var taskbar = new Taskbar();
          taskbar.init(0, i * 60, 500, 50, "rgb(0, 0, 0)");
          taskbar.getTag().appendTo( $("body") );
          for (var j = 0; j != i + 5; ++j)
              taskbar.appendNode( getCell("cell", 0, 0, 0) );



创建一个Taskbar对象, 这个对象设定好坐标, 尺寸, 背景色.

随后往这个对象appendChild, 子节点会自动适配大小.

我们用一个 作业队列 来保存需要移动的任务.

这个队列保存需要被移动的节点, 和被动到哪个位置上.

随后会触发一个交换的动作, 这个动作是持续性的, 因此可以看到节点平滑移动.

在我们down下操作之后, 被down下的那个节点位置设置null.

随后我们用一个 _selNode 保存这个节点.

同时用 _selIndex 保存这个节点本应该属于的位置.(这句话很难形容, 但是我想不出怎么说!)

随后在move操作下, 判断这个 _selNode 是否"越线", 一旦越线则push一个交换作业.

随后就像上面所说, 触发交换动作.

在up操作触发之后, 只需要把 _selNode和_selIndex push到作业队列即可.

因为所有的mouse响应都在背景的div里, 因此鼠标超出范围则不会响应..

例如, 我down之后, 鼠标移出范围再up, 此时的up将不会被响应..


在超出范围up, 回到范围之后, 依然是down状态.

html 文件内容

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="xy.js"></script>

<style type="text/css">
    * {
        margin: 0;
        border: 0;

    .cell {
        position: absolute;
        width: 100px;
        height: 50px;
        border: solid;
        background: rgb(21, 98, 231);



之前写的匆忙, 只把脚本部分贴了上来, 漏掉了html文件.


下一篇:How to install the zsh shell in Linux && how to set it as a default login shell