> File Name: sharelib.c
> Author: copener
> Mail: hanmingye@foxmail.com
> Created Time: 2015年05月14日 星期四 09时03分18秒
************************************************************************/ #include<stdio.h>
* */
void insert_sort(int *array, int length){
int i,j;
for(i=; i<length; i++){
int temp;
temp = array[j]; while(j>){
if(temp < array[j-]){
} array[j] = temp;
} /*
* */
int binary_search(int *array, int item, int length){
int high, low, mid;
high = length;
low = ;
mid = (high + low)/; while(low < high){
printf("high:%d low:%d mid:%d\r\n",high,low,mid);
if(array[mid] > item){
if(low==(high-) || high == mid ){
return -;
high = mid;
mid = (high + low)/; }else if(array[mid]<item){
if(low==mid || high == (low+)){
return -;
low = mid;
mid = (high + low)/; }else{
return mid;
return -;
oee@copener:~/workspace/test/sharelib$ gcc -shared -fPIC -o sharelib.so sharelib.c
oee@copener:~/workspace/test/sharelib$ ls
sharelib.c sharelib.so
//关于gcc 中的-shared 参数
Produce a shared object which can then be linked with other objects to form an executable. Not all systems support this option. For
predictable results, you must also specify the same set of options used for compilation (-fpic, -fPIC, or model suboptions) when you
specify this linker option.[] //-shared会与-fPIC参数一起使用来生成动态库文件
> File Name: sharelib.h
> Author: copener
> Mail: hanmingye@foxmail.com
> Created Time: 2015年05月14日 星期四 11时23分18秒
************************************************************************/ extern void insert_sort(int *array, int length);
extern int binary_search(int *array, int item, int length);
extern void bubble_sort(int * array, int length);
[4] 新建程序testapp.c调用动态库函数测试
> File Name: testapp.c
> Author: copener
> Mail: hanmingye@foxmail.com
> Created Time: 2015年05月14日 星期四 11时25分46秒
************************************************************************/ #include<stdio.h>
#include "sharelib.h" int main(void){
int item;
int pos;
int i;
int array[] ={,,,,}; //排序
insert_sort(array, );
for(i=; i<; i++){
printf("%d ",array[i]);
} //二分法查找
printf("\r\nplease input a number:\r\n");
scanf("%d", &item); pos = binary_search(array, item, );
if(pos == -){
printf("can't find or data not sort!\r\n");
printf("done! the position is %d\r\n",(pos+));
} return ;
oee@copener:~/workspace/test/sharelib$ gcc -o testapp testapp.c ./sharelib.so
oee@copener:~/workspace/test/sharelib$ ls
sharelib.c sharelib.h sharelib.so testapp testapp.c
oee@copener:~/workspace/test/sharelib$ ./testapp please input a number: input end, processing...
high: low: mid:
high: low: mid:
done! the position is