Find the k-th Smallest Element in the Union of Two Sorted Arrays


Given two sorted arrays A, B of size m and n respectively. Find the k-th smallest element in the union of A and B. You can assume that there are no duplicate elements.

O(lg m + lg n) solution:

1. Maintaining the invariant

i + j = k - 1,

2. If Bj-1 < A< Bj, then Ai must be the k-th smallest,

or else if Ai-1 < B< Ai, then Bj must be the k-th smallest.


int findKthSmallest(int A[], int m, int B[], int n, int k)
assert(A && m >= && B && n >= && k > && k <= m+n); int i = (int)((double)m / (m+n) * (k-));
int j = (k-) - i; assert(i >= && j >= && i <= m && j <= n); int Ai_1 = ((i == ) ? INT_MIN : A[i-]);
int Bj_1 = ((j == ) ? INT_MIN : b[j-]);
int Ai = ((i == m) ? INT_MAX : A[i]);
int Bj = ((j == n) ? INT_MAX : B[j]); if (Bj_1 < Ai && Ai < Bj)
return Ai;
else if (Ai_1 < Bj && Bj < Ai)
return Bj; assert((Ai > Bj && Ai_1 > Bi) || (Ai < Bj && Ai < Bj_1)); if (Ai < Bj)
return findKthSmallest(A+i+, m-i-, B, j, k-i-);
return findKthSmallest(A, i, B+j+, n-j-, k-j-);
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