例子5.1复利计算机(Simple Compound -Interest Calculation)
<span style="font-size:18px;">import string principal=1000 #Initial amount rate =0.05 #Interest rate numyears=5 #Number of years year =1 while year <= numyears: principal=principal*(1+rate) print year ,principal year+=1</span>
<span style="font-size:18px;">import string principal=1000 #Initial amount rate =0.05 #Interest rate numyears=5 #Number of years year =1 while year <= numyears: principal=principal*(1+rate) print str(year) +" " +str(principal) year+=1</span>输出结果:
<span style="font-size:18px;">1 1050.0 2 1102.5 3 1157.625 4 1215.50625 5 1276.2815625</span>Python语言的动态特性。最初,它被赋值给principal,当赋值动作发生改变的时候,principal最初的绑定值1000被丢弃。赋值结束,不但principal绑定的值发生了变化,它的类型也随着赋值动作发生了相应的变化。在本例子中,由于rate是一个浮点数,principal最终也是一个浮点数。
principal=1000;rate=0.05; numyears=5;
<span style="font-size:18px;">print "%3d %0.2f" %(year,principal)</span>其中:%3d是将一个整数在宽度在宽度为3个字符的栏中右对齐,%0.2f 是将一个浮点数的小数点后部分转换为2位。
5.2 条件语句
<span style="font-size:18px;">a=10;b=60; if a<b: z=b else: z=a print z</span>可以通过or,and 和not关键字建立任意的条件表达式:
<span style="font-size:18px;">c=100 if a<=b and b<=c: print "b is between a and c" if not(b<a or b>c): print "b is still btween a and c"</span>用elif语句可以检验多重条件(可以用来代替其它语言中的switch语句)
<span style="font-size:18px;">a='+' print a if a=='+': op='PLUS' elif a=='-': op='MINUS' elif a=='*': op='MULTLPLY' else: raise RuntimeError,"Unknown operator" print op</span>5.3字符串
<span style="font-size:18px;">a='Hello world' d=a[1] print d</span>
<span style="font-size:18px;">a='Hello world' c=a[0:5] d=a[6:] e=a[3:8] print a print c print d print e </span>连接字符串:可以使用(+)
<span style="font-size:18px;">num = "1" # string type num = "Let's go" # string type num = "He's \"old\"" # string type mail = """China: hello I am you! """ # special string format print mail string = 'xiaoyi' # get value by index copy = string[0] + string[1] + string[2:6] # note: [2:6] means [2 5] or[2 6) print copy = string[:4] # start from 1 copy = string[2:] # to end copy = string[::1] # step is 1, from start to end copy = string[::2] # step is 2 copy = string[-1] # means 'i', the last one copy = string[-4:-2:-1] # means 'yoa', -1 step controls direction </span>5.4 列表和元组(Lists & Tuples)
<span style="font-size:18px;">#列表 names=["zhang","wang","li","zhao"] a=names[0] names[0]="fu" # len()函数用来得到列表的长度 print len(names) #append() 在末尾添加新的元素 names.append("pan") #insert(index,aMember)把元素插入的index之前的位置 names.insert(2,"zhou") print names #b返回 下标为0 1的值 b=names[0:2] c=names[2:] #利用(+)运算符连接列表 str1=[1,2,3]+[4,5] print "+连接符" print str1 #列表元素可以是任意的 python对象 str2=[1,"zjgs",3.14,["Mark",7,9,[100,101]],10] print str2 print str2[1] print str2[3][2] print str2[3][3][1] </span>
<span style="font-size:18px;">4 ['fu', 'wang', 'zhou', 'li', 'zhao', 'pan'] +连接符 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] [1, 'zjgs', 3.14, ['Mark', 7, 9, [100, 101]], 10] zjgs 9 101</span>
<span style="font-size:18px;">print "元组系列" tup=(1,4,5,-9,10) tup2=(7,) #添加一个额外的逗号 first_name="wang" last_name="gang" phone=123456789 person=(first_name,last_name,phone) print tup print tup2 print person</span>
5.5 循环
<span style="font-size:18px;">#range(i,j)函数建立一个整数序列,从i开始到j为止(包括i,但是不包括j) #若第一个被省略,则默认0,还可以有第三个参数,步进值 for i in range(1,10): print "2 to the %d power is %d" %(i,2**i) a=range(5) print a b=range(1,8) print b c=range(0,14,3)#步长为3 print c stra="Hello world" for strc in stra: print strc strd=["kjksjf","iuiukj","zjgs"] # print the number of a list for name in strd: print name</span>
2 to the 1 power is 2 2 to the 2 power is 4 2 to the 3 power is 8 2 to the 4 power is 16 2 to the 5 power is 32 2 to the 6 power is 64 2 to the 7 power is 128 2 to the 8 power is 256 2 to the 9 power is 512 [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] [0, 3, 6, 9, 12] H e l l o w o r l d kjksjf iuiukj zjgs