

我试图进行颜色冲突检测,但无法正常工作.我有不同的变量,例如“ p1_edge”,这是p1到达屏幕边缘的时间.我用红色边框标记.


int P1_XPos; //Player 1 position
int P1_YPos;

boolean Player1_Up = false; //Determins what way P1 is going
boolean Player1_Down = false;
boolean Player1_Left = false;
boolean Player1_Right = true;

int P2_XPos; //Player 2 position
int P2_YPos;

boolean Player2_Up = false; //Determins what way P2 is going
boolean Player2_Down = false;
boolean Player2_Left = true;
boolean Player2_Right = false;

boolean Game_State = false; //see if the game is over (false = over)

final int P1_Edge = 0; //P1 crashed into the edge
final int P1_P1 = 1; //P1 crashed into P1
final int P1_P2 = 2; //P1 crashed into P2

final int P2_Edge = 3; //P2 crashed into the edge
final int P2_P2 = 4; //P2 crashed into P2
final int P2_P1 = 5; //P2 crashed into P1

final int Crash = 6; //Other

void setup()
size(700,600); //Set screen dimensions
background(0, 0, 0); 

P1_XPos = 100; //set P1 and P2 posision
P1_YPos = 100;

P2_XPos = 600;
P2_YPos = 500;

strokeWeight(3); //Draw the edge of the screen
stroke(255, 0, 0);
line(1, 1, 1, height - 1);
line(1, 1, width - 1, 1);
line(width - 2, 1, width - 2, height - 1);
line(1, height - 2, width - 1, height - 2);

stroke(0, 255, 0); //Draw the starting positions
point(P1_XPos, P1_YPos);

stroke(0, 0, 255); 
point(P2_XPos, P2_YPos);
void draw()

if (Game_State == true) //if the game is not over
    stroke(0, 255, 0); //Draw P1
    point(P1_XPos, P1_YPos);
    MovePlayer1(); //Move P1

    stroke(0, 0, 255); //Draw P2
    point(P2_XPos, P2_YPos);
    MovePlayer2(); //Move P2

    Collision_Detection(); //Detect any crashes

void keyPressed()
if(key == CODED) //Controls P1 movement
     if (keyCode == UP)
         Player1_Up = true;
         Player1_Down = false;
         Player1_Left = false;
         Player1_Right = false;

     else if(keyCode == DOWN)
         Player1_Down = true;
         Player1_Up = false;
         Player1_Left = false;
         Player1_Right = false;

     else if (keyCode == LEFT)
         Player1_Left = true;
         Player1_Down = false;
         Player1_Up = false;
         Player1_Right = false;

     else if (keyCode == RIGHT)
         Player1_Right = true;
         Player1_Down = false;
         Player1_Left = false;
         Player1_Up = false;

 if ((key == 'W') || (key == 'w')) //Controls P2 movement
         Player2_Up = true;
         Player2_Down = false;
         Player2_Left = false;
         Player2_Right = false;

     else if((key == 'S') || (key == 's'))
         Player2_Down = true;
         Player2_Up = false;
         Player2_Left = false;
         Player2_Right = false;

     else if ((key == 'A') || (key == 'a'))
         Player2_Left = true;
         Player2_Down = false;
         Player2_Up = false;
         Player2_Right = false;

     else if ((key == 'D') || (key == 'd'))
         Player2_Right = true;
         Player2_Down = false;
         Player2_Left = false;
         Player2_Up = false;

     if (key == ' ')
         Game_State = true;

void MovePlayer1() //Moves P1
if(Player1_Up == true)
    P1_YPos -= 1;

if(Player1_Down == true)
  P1_YPos += 1;

if(Player1_Left == true)
  P1_XPos -= 1;

if(Player1_Right == true)
  P1_XPos += 1;

void MovePlayer2() //Moves P2
if(Player2_Up == true)
    P2_YPos -= 1;

if(Player2_Down == true)
  P2_YPos += 1;

if(Player2_Left == true)
  P2_XPos -= 1;

if(Player2_Right == true)
  P2_XPos += 1;

int TestColorP1 (color P1Test) //Detect what color P1 is touching

 if (P1Test == color (255,0,0)) 
 return P1_Edge; 
 else if (P1Test == color(0,255,0))
 return P1_P1;
 else if (P1Test == color(0,0,255))
 return P1_P2;
 else return Crash;

int TestColorP2 (color P2Test) //Detect what color P2 is touching

 if (P2Test == color (255,0,0)) 
 return P2_Edge; 
 else if (P2Test == color(0,255,0))
 return P2_P1;
 else if (P2Test == color(0,0,255))
 return P2_P2;
 else return Crash;

void Collision_Detection()
color P1_Pixel; //This is the color P1 is touching
color P2_Pixel;

P1_Pixel = get(P1_XPos, P1_YPos); //Declare is as P1 position
P2_Pixel = get(P2_XPos, P2_YPos);

 if (TestColorP1(P1_Pixel) == P1_Edge) //See if P1 has crashed
    Game_State = false;
 else if (TestColorP1(P1_Pixel)== P1_P1)
   // background(0);
   // Game_State = false;
 else if (TestColorP1(P1_Pixel) == P1_P2)
    Game_State = false;

 if (TestColorP2(P2_Pixel) == P2_Edge) //See if P2 has crashed
    Game_State = false;
 else if (TestColorP2(P2_Pixel)== P2_P1)
    Game_State = false;
 else if (TestColorP2(P2_Pixel) == P2_P2)
   // background(0);
  //  Game_State = false;
 else if (TestColorP2(P2_Pixel) == Crash)











上一篇:在不影响Box2d Javascript的情况下进行碰撞检测

下一篇:Surpass Day13——Java 接口在开发中的作用、关于Object类