用javascript写Android和iOS naitve应用,实在炫酷。


// declare the extended NativeScriptActivity functionality
var extendsObject = {
onCreate: function(savedState){
// call the base NativeScriptActivity.onCreate method
// the "this" variable points to a NativeScriptActivity instance
this.super.onCreate(savedState); // create a button and set it as the main content
var button = new android.widget.Button(this);
button.setText("Hello World"); this.setContentView(button);
} // pass the extends object to create a new NativeScriptActivity instance
var mainActivity = com.tns.NativeScriptActivity.extends(extendsObject); var applicationInitObject = {
getActivity: function(intent) {
// this method is called whenever a new instance of NativeScriptActivity is about to be created
return mainActivity;
onCreate: function() {
// This is the first method called. Called from the android.app.Application.onCreate method.
} // The NativeScriptRuntime exposes the app object within the global context


当然也可以写iOS native应用,这还不是最炫酷的,更炫酷的是,它还提供了一套“公共的”api,和一套可以用xml描述的ui控件库,可以这样定义界面,并在不同的平台下生成相应用本地控件。

<Page xmlns="http://www.nativescript.org/tns.xsd" loaded="pageLoaded">
<Label text="Tap the button" cssClass="title"/>
<Button text="TAP" tap="{{ tapAction }}" />
<Label text="{{ message }}" cssClass="message" textWrap="true"/>
<Button text="test button"/>



用javascript写Android和iOS naitve应用,实在炫酷。

上一篇:js 如何创建一个对象

下一篇:iOS 优化方案浅析