1. arctext.js 不可拓展及可调控性差
2. 代码臃肿 ,未压缩源代码三百余行 , 剔除空行及注释后也有二百余行代码
将 arctext.js源代码中的核心函数提取化为己用 , 重新封装
(function( $, undefined ) { $.fn.fitText = function( kompressor, options ) { var settings = { ‘minFontSize‘ : Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, ‘maxFontSize‘ : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY }; return this.each(function() { var $this = $(this); // store the object var compressor = kompressor || 1; // set the compressor if ( options ) { $.extend( settings, options ); } var resizer = function () { $this.css(‘font-size‘, Math.max(Math.min($this.width() / (compressor*10), parseFloat(settings.maxFontSize)), parseFloat(settings.minFontSize))); }; resizer(); $(window).resize(resizer); }); }; function injector(t, splitter, klass, after) { var a = t.text().split(splitter), inject = ‘‘, emptyclass; if (a.length) { $(a).each(function(i, item) { emptyclass = ‘‘; if(item === ‘ ‘) { emptyclass = ‘ empty‘; item=‘ ‘; } inject += ‘<span class="‘+klass+(i+1)+emptyclass+‘">‘+item+‘</span>‘+after; }); t.empty().append(inject); } } var methods = { init : function() { return this.each(function() { injector($(this), ‘‘, ‘char‘, ‘‘); }); }, words : function() { return this.each(function() { injector($(this), ‘ ‘, ‘word‘, ‘ ‘); }); }, lines : function() { return this.each(function() { var r = "eefec303079ad17405c889e092e105b0"; injector($(this).children("br").replaceWith(r).end(), r, ‘line‘, ‘‘); }); } }; $.fn.lettering = function( method ) { if ( method && methods[method] ) { return methods[ method ].apply( this, [].slice.call( arguments, 1 )); } else if ( method === ‘letters‘ || ! method ) { return methods.init.apply( this, [].slice.call( arguments, 0 ) ); // always pass an array } $.error( ‘Method ‘ + method + ‘ does not exist on jQuery.lettering‘ ); return this; }; $.Arctext = function( options, element ) { this.$el= $( element ); this._init( options ); }; $.Arctext.defaults = { radius : 0, dir : 1, rotate : true, fitText : false }; $.Arctext.prototype = { _init: function( options ) { this.options = $.extend( true, {}, $.Arctext.defaults, options ); this._applyLettering(); this.$el.data( ‘arctext‘, true ); this._calc(); this._rotateWord(); this._loadEvents(); }, _applyLettering : function() { this.$el.lettering(); if( this.options.fitText ) this.$el.fitText(); this.$letters = this.$el.find(‘span‘).css(‘display‘, ‘inline-block‘); }, _calc: function() { if( this.options.radius === -1 )return false; this._calcBase(); this._calcLetters(); }, _calcBase : function() { this.dtWord = 0; var _self= this; this.$letters.each( function(i) { var $letter = $(this), letterWidth = $letter.outerWidth( true ); _self.dtWord += letterWidth; $letter.data( ‘center‘, _self.dtWord - letterWidth / 2 ); }); var centerWord = this.dtWord / 2; if( this.options.radius < centerWord ) this.options.radius = centerWord; this.dtArcBase = this.dtWord; var angle = 2 * Math.asin( this.dtArcBase / ( 2 * this.options.radius ) ); this.dtArc = this.options.radius * angle; }, _calcLetters: function() { var _self = this, iteratorX = 0; this.$letters.each( function(i) { var $letter = $(this), dtArcLetter = ( $letter.outerWidth( true ) / _self.dtWord ) * _self.dtArc, beta= dtArcLetter / _self.options.radius, h = _self.options.radius * ( Math.cos( beta / 2 ) ), alpha = Math.acos( ( _self.dtWord / 2 - iteratorX ) / _self.options.radius ), theta = alpha + beta / 2, x = Math.cos( theta ) * h, y = Math.sin( theta ) * h, xpos = iteratorX + Math.abs( _self.dtWord / 2 - x - iteratorX ), xval = 0| xpos - $letter.data( ‘center‘ ), yval = 0| _self.options.radius - y, angle = ( _self.options.rotate ) ? 0| -Math.asin( x / _self.options.radius ) * ( 180 / Math.PI ) : 0; iteratorX = 2 * xpos - iteratorX; $letter.data({ x : xval, y : ( _self.options.dir === 1 ) ? yval : -yval, a : ( _self.options.dir === 1 ) ? angle : -angle }); }); }, _rotateWord : function( animation ) { if( !this.$el.data(‘arctext‘) ) return false; var _self = this; this.$letters.each( function(i) { var $letter = $(this), transformation= ( _self.options.radius === -1 ) ? ‘none‘ : ‘translateX(‘ + $letter.data(‘x‘) + ‘px) translateY(‘ + $letter.data(‘y‘) + ‘px) rotate(‘ + $letter.data(‘a‘) + ‘deg)‘, transition= ( animation ) ? ‘all ‘ + ( animation.speed || 0 ) + ‘ms ‘ + ( animation.easing || ‘linear‘ ) : ‘none‘; $letter.css({ ‘-webkit-transition‘ : transition, ‘-moz-transition‘ : transition, ‘-o-transition‘ : transition, ‘-ms-transition‘ : transition, ‘transition‘ : transition }) .css({ ‘-webkit-transform‘ : transformation, ‘-moz-transform‘ : transformation, ‘-o-transform‘ : transformation, ‘-ms-transform‘ : transformation, ‘transform‘ : transformation }); }); }, _loadEvents : function() { if( this.options.fitText ) { var _self = this; $(window).on( ‘resize.arctext‘, function() { _self._calc(); _self._rotateWord(); }); } }, set : function( opts ) { if( !opts.radius && !opts.dir && opts.rotate === ‘undefined‘ ) {return false;} this.options.radius = opts.radius || this.options.radius; this.options.dir = opts.dir || this.options.dir; if( opts.rotate !== undefined ) {this.options.rotate = opts.rotate;} this._calc(); this._rotateWord( opts.animation ); }, destroy : function() { this.options.radius = -1; this._rotateWord(); this.$letters.removeData(‘x y a center‘); this.$el.removeData(‘arctext‘); $(window).off(‘.arctext‘); } }; var logError = function( message ) { if ( this.console ) {console.error( message ); } }; $.fn.arctext= function( options ) { if ( typeof options === ‘string‘ ) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 ); this.each(function() { var instance = $.data( this, ‘arctext‘ ); if ( !instance ) { logError( "cannot call methods on arctext prior to initialization; " + "attempted to call method ‘" + options + "‘" ); return; } if ( !$.isFunction( instance[options] ) || options.charAt(0) === "_" ) { logError( "no such method ‘" + options + "‘ for arctext instance" ); return; } instance[ options ].apply( instance, args ); }); } else { this.each(function() { var instance = $.data( this, ‘arctext‘ ); if ( !instance ) { $.data( this, ‘arctext‘, new $.Arctext( options, this ) ); } }); } return this; }; })( jQuery );
提取核心算法函数(此版为测试逻辑算法是否走通 , 未处理全局声明)
arcText(‘.big_tit1‘) function arcText(el){ var a = $(el).text().split(‘‘),emptyclass, after,inject; inject = ‘‘ if (a.length) { $(a).each(function(i, item) { emptyclass = ‘‘; after = ‘‘; if(item === ‘ ‘) { emptyclass = ‘ empty‘; item=‘ ‘; } inject += ‘<span class="‘+‘char‘+(i+1)+emptyclass+‘">‘+item+‘</span>‘+after; }); $(el).empty().append(inject); } letters = $(el).find(‘span‘).css(‘display‘, ‘inline-block‘); rotate = true; calcBase(); calcLetters(); rotateWord(); } function calcBase() { dtWord = 0; radius =1000; letters.each( function(i) { var $letter = $(this), letterWidth = $letter.outerWidth( true ); dtWord += letterWidth; $letter.data( ‘center‘, dtWord - letterWidth / 2 ); }); var centerWord = dtWord / 2; if( radius < centerWord ) radius = centerWord; dtArcBase = dtWord; angle = 2 * Math.asin( dtArcBase / ( 2 * radius ) ); dtArc = radius * angle; } function calcLetters() { var _self = this, iteratorX = 0; letters.each( function(i) { $letter = $(this), dtArcLetter = ( $letter.outerWidth( true ) /dtWord ) * dtArc, beta= dtArcLetter / radius, h = radius * ( Math.cos( beta / 2 ) ), alpha = Math.acos( (dtWord / 2 - iteratorX ) / radius ), theta = alpha + beta / 2, x = Math.cos( theta ) * h, y = Math.sin( theta ) * h, xpos = iteratorX + Math.abs( dtWord / 2 - x - iteratorX ), xval = 0| xpos - $letter.data( ‘center‘ ), yval = 0| radius - y, angle = ( rotate ) ? 0| -Math.asin( x / radius ) * ( 180 / Math.PI ) : 0; iteratorX = 2 * xpos - iteratorX; $letter.data({ x : xval, y : yval, a : angle }); }); } function rotateWord( animation ) { var _self = this; letters.each( function(i) { var $letter = $(this), transformation= (radius === -1 ) ? ‘none‘ : ‘translateX(‘ + $letter.data(‘x‘) + ‘px) translateY(‘ + $letter.data(‘y‘) + ‘px) rotate(‘ + $letter.data(‘a‘) + ‘deg)‘, transition= ( animation ) ? ‘all ‘ + ( animation.speed || 0 ) + ‘ms ‘ + ( animation.easing || ‘linear‘ ) : ‘none‘; $letter.css({ ‘-webkit-transition‘ : transition, ‘-moz-transition‘ : transition, ‘-o-transition‘ : transition, ‘-ms-transition‘ : transition, ‘transition‘ : transition }) .css({ ‘-webkit-transform‘ : transformation, ‘-moz-transform‘ : transformation, ‘-o-transform‘ : transformation, ‘-ms-transform‘ : transformation, ‘transform‘ : transformation }); }); }
将核心代码换个包装 , 化为己用
Arctext.prototype={ init(options){ this.initData(options); this.render(); this.handle(); }, initData(options){ var defaults = { radius : 0, dir : 1, rotate : true, fitText : false } this.options= $.extend( true, {}, defaults, options ); this.dir = this.options.dir; this.rotate = this.options.rotate; this.$el = $(this.options.el); this.radius = this.options.radius; }, render(){ let { $el, radius} = this; var a = $el.text().split(‘‘),emptyclass, after,inject; inject = ‘‘ if (a.length) { $(a).each(function(i, item) { emptyclass = ‘‘; after = ‘‘; if(item === ‘ ‘) { emptyclass = ‘ empty‘; item=‘ ‘; } inject += ‘<span class="‘+‘char‘+(i+1)+emptyclass+‘">‘+item+‘</span>‘+after; }); $el.empty().append(inject); } this.letters = $el.find(‘span‘).css(‘display‘, ‘inline-block‘); }, handle(){ this.calcBase(); this.calcLetters(); this.rotateWord(this.animation) }, calcBase() { var dtWord = 0; var self =this; self.letters.each( function(i) { var $letter = $(this), letterWidth = $letter.outerWidth( true ); dtWord += letterWidth; $letter.data( ‘center‘, dtWord - letterWidth / 2 ); }); var centerWord = dtWord / 2; if( self.radius < centerWord ) self.radius = centerWord; var dtArcBase = dtWord; var angle = 2 * Math.asin( dtArcBase / ( 2 * self.radius ) ); dtArc = self.radius * angle; self.dtArc = dtArc; self.dtWord = dtWord; }, calcLetters() { let { radius , letters , dtWord ,dtArc,rotate ,dir } = this; var _self = this,iteratorX = 0; // var rotate = true; letters.each( function(i) { $letter = $(this), dtArcLetter = ( $letter.outerWidth( true ) /dtWord ) * dtArc, beta= dtArcLetter / radius, h = radius * ( Math.cos( beta / 2 ) ), alpha = Math.acos( (dtWord / 2 - iteratorX ) / radius ), theta = alpha + beta / 2, x = Math.cos( theta ) * h, y = Math.sin( theta ) * h, xpos = iteratorX + Math.abs( dtWord / 2 - x - iteratorX ), xval = 0| xpos - $letter.data( ‘center‘ ), yval = 0| radius - y, angle = ( rotate ) ? 0| -Math.asin( x / radius ) * ( 180 / Math.PI ) : 0; iteratorX = 2 * xpos - iteratorX; $letter.data({ x : xval, y : ( dir === 1 ) ? yval : -yval, a : ( dir === 1 ) ? angle : -angle }); }); }, rotateWord( animation ) { var _self = this; let { radius , letters } = this; letters.each( function(i) { var $letter = $(this), transformation= (radius === -1 ) ? ‘none‘ : ‘translateX(‘ + $letter.data(‘x‘) + ‘px) translateY(‘ + $letter.data(‘y‘) + ‘px) rotate(‘ + $letter.data(‘a‘) + ‘deg)‘, transition= ( animation ) ? ‘all ‘ + ( animation.speed || 0 ) + ‘ms ‘ + ( animation.easing || ‘linear‘ ) : ‘none‘; $letter.css({ ‘-webkit-transition‘ : transition, ‘-moz-transition‘ : transition, ‘-o-transition‘ : transition, ‘-ms-transition‘ : transition, ‘transition‘ : transition }) .css({ ‘-webkit-transform‘ : transformation, ‘-moz-transform‘ : transformation, ‘-o-transform‘ : transformation, ‘-ms-transform‘ : transformation, ‘transform‘ : transformation }); }); } } function Arctext(options){ this.init(options) }
new Arctext({
radius:370 , //
// rotate:false, //字体是否随拱形旋转
dir:1 // 1 向下弯曲 非1 向上弯曲