今天构建一个springboot 项目,采用mybatis+mysql 然后就出现了这种错误....浪费我半天时间
1 Description: 2 3 Field loginLogMapper in com.guoll.modules.sysmanage.service.PassagewayService required a bean of type ‘com.guoll.modules.sysmanage.mapper.LoginLogMapper‘ that could not be found. 4 5 The injection point has the following annotations: 6 - @org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired(required=true) 7 8 9 Action: 10 11 Consider defining a bean of type ‘com.guoll.modules.sysmanage.mapper.LoginLogMapper‘ in your configuration. 12 13 14 Process finished with exit code 0
错误原因:是由于springboot 扫描不到 mapper
第一种:在mapper包下类配置@Mapper 注解
第二种:在springboot 启动类上配置包扫描@ComponentScan()
第三种:在springboot 启动类上配置Mapper扫描@MapperScan(注意:必须将路径指定到 xxx.xxx.xxx.mapper 包为止,否则依旧扫描不到) 多个mapper路径 可以以 @MapperScan({mapper1路径,mapper2路径})
第四种解决方法,就是将 spring boot启动类方法mapper上级,这样也可以扫描到
Consider defining a bean of type 'XX.XX.XX.XX.mapper.XXMapper' in your configuration.