It’s really important for a stable solution the use of automated test, unit test, black box testing, white box testing, etc. This will give your solution a proper life cycle and will avoid regression and the implementation of new bugs, etc. All this technologies connected with nightly building, weekly building will in the end result in a high quality and stable solution.
In this post i’ll show you how to create a new package\model on AX7 to have unit and automated test classes to your solution and on my next posts i’ll show how to create\use unit testing, task recorder to generate test scenarios, reuse previous scenarios to complement the automate tests, automated build, etc.
We going to create a new Package\Model for testing for 2 main reasons:
- Isolate your solution from your testing classes.
- Isolating your solution you can build your solution package and delivery to your customers without the testing classes.
See more about AX7 packages and models in the link here.
To create your Test Package go on VS\Dynamics AX7\Model management\Create model.
Name your package\model as you like but for pattern proposes i’m using the name of my solution + Test.
Select create a new package.
Select your solutions package and the TestEssentials package as references. (If you have customization or other packages, you can select all the use the same test package).
Finish the package creation.
Go to Dynamics AX7\Model management\View all package dependencies to see you test package and the references.