EXTJS 4.2 资料 控件之Window窗体相关属性的用法


var win_CommonPicLibMultiple = Ext.create("Ext.window.Window", {
    title: "选择图片",       //标题
    draggable: false,
    border: false,
    icon: ‘/Resources/Images/16x16/blue16_005.gif‘,
    height: 800,                          //高度
    width: 1200,                          //宽度
    layout: "fit",                        //窗口布局类型
    modal: true, //是否模态窗口,默认为false
    resizable: false,
    closeAction: ‘hide‘,
    enableTabScroll: true,
    layout: ‘border‘,
    border: false,
    plain: true,
    closable: true,   //是否显示关闭按钮
    maximizable: true,//最大化
    minimizable: true,//最小化
    draggable: true,  //是否可以拖动
    listeners: {
        minimize: function (win_CommonPicLibMultiple, opts) {
    items: [west, center, east],//主框架分为四个面板[顶部,左侧(菜单),中部(主面板),底部
    buttons: [{
        text: ‘确认‘, icon: ‘/Resources/Images/16x16/blue16_054.gif‘, handler: function () {

    }, {
        text: ‘取消‘, icon: ‘/Resources/Images/16x16/blue16_032.gif‘,
        handler: function () {


EXTJS 4.2 资料 控件之Window窗体相关属性的用法

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下一篇:MySQL 优化