单数据源多出口案例(Sink 组)
单 Source、Channel 多 Sink(负载均衡)如图 7-3 所示。
图 7-3 单 Source、Channel 多 Sink
1)案例需求:使用 Flume-1 监控文件变动,Flume-1 将变动内容传递给 Flume-2,Flume-2负责存储到 HDFS。同时 Flume-1 将变动内容传递给 Flume-3,Flume-3 也负责存储到 HDFS
在/opt/module/flume/job 目录下创建 group2 文件夹
[atguigu@hadoop102 job]$ cd group2/
1.创建 flume-netcat-flume.conf
配 置 1 个接收 日 志 文 件 的 source 和 1 个 channel、 两 个 sink , 分 别 输 送 给flume-flume-console1 和 flume-flume-console2。
[atguigu@hadoop102 group2]$ touch flume-netcat-flume.conf
[atguigu@hadoop102 group2]$ vim flume-netcat-flume.conf
# Name the components on this agent a1.sources = r1 a1.channels = c1 a1.sinkgroups = g1 a1.sinks = k1 k2 # Describe/configure the source a1.sources.r1.type = netcat a1.sources.r1.bind = localhost a1.sources.r1.port = 44444 a1.sinkgroups.g1.processor.type = load_balance a1.sinkgroups.g1.processor.backoff = true a1.sinkgroups.g1.processor.selector = round_robin a1.sinkgroups.g1.processor.selector.maxTimeOut=10000 # Describe the sink a1.sinks.k1.type = avro a1.sinks.k1.hostname = hadoop102 a1.sinks.k1.port = 4141 a1.sinks.k2.type = avro a1.sinks.k2.hostname = hadoop102 a1.sinks.k2.port = 4142 # Describe the channel a1.channels.c1.type = memory a1.channels.c1.capacity = 1000 a1.channels.c1.transactionCapacity = 100 # Bind the source and sink to the channel a1.sources.r1.channels = c1 a1.sinkgroups.g1.sinks = k1 k2 a1.sinks.k1.channel = c1 a1.sinks.k2.channel = c1
注:Avro 是由 Hadoop 创始人 Doug Cutting 创建的一种语言无关的数据序列化和 RPC 框架。
注:RPC(Remote Procedure Call)—远程过程调用,它是一种通过网络从远程计算机程序上请求服务,而不需要了解底层网络技术的协议。
2.创建 flume-flume-console1.conf
配置上级 Flume 输出的 Source,输出是到本地控制台。
[atguigu@hadoop102 group2]$ touch flume-flume-console1.conf
[atguigu@hadoop102 group2]$ vim flume-flume-console1.conf
# Name the components on this agent a2.sources = r1 a2.sinks = k1 a2.channels = c1 # Describe/configure the source a2.sources.r1.type = avro a2.sources.r1.bind = hadoop102 a2.sources.r1.port = 4141 # Describe the sink a2.sinks.k1.type = logger # Describe the channel a2.channels.c1.type = memory a2.channels.c1.capacity = 1000 a2.channels.c1.transactionCapacity = 100 # Bind the source and sink to the channel a2.sources.r1.channels = c1 a2.sinks.k1.channel = c1
3.创建 flume-flume-console2.conf
配置上级 Flume 输出的 Source,输出是到本地控制台。
[atguigu@hadoop102 group2]$ touch flume-flume-console2.conf
[atguigu@hadoop102 group2]$ vim flume-flume-console2.conf
# Name the components on this agent a3.sources = r1 a3.sinks = k1 a3.channels = c2 # Describe/configure the source a3.sources.r1.type = avro a3.sources.r1.bind = hadoop102 a3.sources.r1.port = 4142 # Describe the sink a3.sinks.k1.type = logger # Describe the channel a3.channels.c2.type = memory a3.channels.c2.capacity = 1000 a3.channels.c2.transactionCapacity = 100 # Bind the source and sink to the channel a3.sources.r1.channels = c2 a3.sinks.k1.channel = c2
[atguigu@hadoop102 flume]$ bin/flume-ng agent --conf conf/ --name a3 --conf-file job/group2/flume-flume-console2.conf -Dflume.root.logger=INFO,console [atguigu@hadoop102 flume]$ bin/flume-ng agent --conf conf/ --name a2 --conf-file job/group2/flume-flume-console1.conf -Dflume.root.logger=INFO,console [atguigu@hadoop102 flume]$ bin/flume-ng agent --conf conf/ --name a1 --conf-file job/group2/flume-netcat-flume.conf
5. 使用 telnet 工具向本机的 44444 端口发送内容
$ telnet localhost 44444
6. 查看 Flume2 及 Flume3 的控制台打印日志