Selenium2Library系列 keywords 之 _SelectElementKeywords 之 page_should_contain_list(self, locator, message='', loglevel='INFO')

     def page_should_contain_list(self, locator, message='', loglevel='INFO'):
"""Verifies select list identified by `locator` is found from current page. See `Page Should Contain Element` for explanation about `message` and
`loglevel` arguments. Key attributes for lists are `id` and `name`. See `introduction` for
details about locating elements.
self._page_should_contain_element(locator, 'list', message, loglevel)

方法名:page_should_contain_list(self, locator, message='', loglevel='INFO')


公共方法 验证select list 存在于当前页面


10行:使用_page_should_contain_element(locator, 'list', message, loglevel)

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