<?php /** *File name: WorkUnit.php *Created by: ShowJoy *Contact: 734578348@qq.com, xubiao522@gmail.com *Last modified: 2014-5-24 */ abstract class WorkUnit{ protected $tasks = array(); protected $name = NULL; function __construct($name){ $this->name = $name; } function getName(){ return $this->name; } abstract function add(Employee $e); abstract function remove(Employee $e); abstract function assignTask($task); abstract function completeTask($task); } class Team extends WorkUnit{ private $_employees = array(); function add(Employee $e){ $this->_employees[] = $e; echo "<p>{$e->getName()} has been added to team {$this->getName()}.</p>"; } function remove(Employee $e){ $index = array_search($e, $this->_employees); unset($this->_employees[$index]); echo "<p>{$e->getName()} has been removed from team {$this->getName()}.</p>"; } function assignTask($task){ $this->tasks[] = $task; echo "<p>A new task has been assigned to team {$this->getName()}. It should be easy to do with {$this->getCount()} team member(s).</p>"; } function completeTask($task){ $index = array_search($task, $this->tasks); unset($this->tasks[$index]); echo "<p>The ‘$task‘ task has been completed by team {$this->getName()}.</p>"; } function getCount(){ return count($this->_employees); } } class Employee extends WorkUnit{ function add(Employee $e){ return false; } function remove(Employee $e){ return false; } function assignTask($task){ $this->tasks[] = $task; echo "<p>A new task has been assigned to {$this->getName()}. It will be done by {$this->getName()} alone.</p>"; } function completeTask($task){ $index = array_search($task, $this->tasks); unset($this->tasks[$index]); echo "<p>The ‘$task‘ task has been completed by employee {$this->getName()}.</p>"; } } ?
<?php /** *File name: compsite.php *Created by: ShowJoy *Contact: 734578348@qq.com, xubiao522@gmail.com *Last modified: 2014-5-24 */ require ‘WorkUnit.php‘; $team = new Team(‘showjoy‘); $e1 = new Employee(‘xu‘); $e2 = new Employee(‘biao‘); $e3 = new Employee(‘god‘); $team->add($e1); $team->add($e2); $team->add($e3); $team->assignTask(‘do something by team‘); $e1->assignTask(‘do it alone‘); $team->completeTask(‘do something by team‘);
$e1->completeTask(‘do it alone‘);
unset($team,$e1,$e2,$e3); ?>