

Stata Journal 2001-2020 PDF 单篇浏览

SJ 20-2

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  • Gregori Baetschmann, Alexander Ballantyne, Kevin E. Staub, Rainer Winkelmann, 2020, feologit: A new command for fitting fixed-effects ordered logit models, Stata Joural, 20(2): 253-275. -PDF-,包含固定效应的有序 Logit 模型 - 面板有序 Logit 模型

  • Javier Alejo, Antonio F. Galvao, Gabriel Montes-Rojas, 2020, A practical generalized propensity-score estimator for quantile continuous treatment effects, Stata Joural, 20(2): 276-296. -PDF-,一般化 PSM + 分位数处理效应

  • Xavier D’Haultfœuille, Arnaud Maurel, Xiaoyun Qiu, Yichong Zhang, 2020, Estimating selection models without an instrument with Stata, Stata Joural, 20(2): 297-308. -PDF-,不用 IV 的选择模型

  • Marshall A. Taylor, 2020, Visualization strategies for regression estimates with randomization inference, Stata Joural, 20(2): 309–335. -PDF-,随即推断

  • E. F. Haghish, 2020, Software documentation with markdoc 5.0, Stata Joural, 20(2): 336-362. -PDF-,文档输出

  • John A. Gallis, Fan Li, Elizabeth L. Turner, 2020, xtgeebcv: A command for bias-corrected sandwich variance estimation for GEE analyses of cluster randomized trials, Stata Joural, 20(2): 363-381. -PDF-,GEE 模型

  • Young Jun Lee, Daniel Wilhelm, 2020, Testing for the presence of measurement error in Stata, Stata Joural, 20(2): 382-404. -PDF-,衡量偏误

  • Hong Il Yoo, 2020, lclogit2: An enhanced command to fit latent class conditional logit models, Stata Joural, 20(2): 405–425. -PDF-

  • Muhammad Asali, 2020, vgets: A command to estimate general-to-specific VARs, Granger causality, steady-state effects, and cumulative impulse–responses, Stata Joural, 20(2): 426–434. -PDF-,VAR 模型和格兰杰因果检验

  • Zizhong Yan, Wiji Arulampalam, Valentina Corradi, Daniel Gutknecht, 2020, heap: A command for fitting discrete outcome variable models in the presence of heaping at known points, Stata Joural, 20(2): 435–467. -PDF-

  • Koen Jochmans, Vincenzo Verardi, 2020, Fitting exponential regression models with two-way fixed effects, Stata Joural, 20(2): 468–480. -PDF-,包含二维固定效应的指数回归模型

  • Nicholas J. Cox, 2020, Speaking Stata: More ways for rowwise, Stata Joural, 20(2): 481–488. -PDF-

  • Andrew Musau, 2020, Stata tip 136: Between-group comparisons in a scatterplot with weighted markers, Stata Joural, 20(2): 489–492. -PDF-

  • Demetris Christodoulou, 2020, Stata tip 137: Interpreting constraints on slopes of rank-deficient design matrices, Stata Joural, 20(2): 493–498. -PDF-

  • Nicholas J. Cox, 2020, Stata tip 138: Local macros have local scope, Stata Joural, 20(2): 499–503. -PDF-

  • ——, 2020, Software Updates, Stata Joural, 20(2): 504–504. -PDF-

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