
C#】华南理工大学计算机考研复试题目 csdn



create table Student(
Sno char(4) not null primary key,
Sname char(40),
Ssex char(2) check([Ssex]='男'or[Ssex]='女')
create table Course(
Cno char(4) not null primary key,
Cname char(40)
create table SC(
Sno char(4),
Cno char(4),
grade int,
primary key(Sno,Cno),
foreign key (Sno) references Student(Sno),
foreign key(Cno) references Course(Cno)

create table [WORKS](
[EmpNo] varchar(8) references[EMPLOYEE]([EmpNo]) on delete cascade,
[CmpNo] varchar(8) references[COMPANY]([CmpNo]) on delete cascade,
[Saraly] int check([Saraly]>0)

insert into List values('S01','D01','电脑','2017/1/6',100)
create unique index Stusno on Student(Sno)

select count(distinct Sno) from CS
select AVG(grade) from CS where Cno='1'
select max(grade) from CS where Cno='1'


table = db.getBySql(@"select [EMPLOYEE].[EmpNo],[EMPLOYEE].[EmpName],[EMPLOYEE].[EmpSex],
             [EMPLOYEE].[EmpAge],sum([WORKS].[Salary]) as '总工资' " +
                " from [EMPLOYEE],[WORKS]" +
                " where [EMPLOYEE].[EmpAge]>=40" +
                " and [EMPLOYEE].[EmpNo]=[WORKS].[EmpNo]" +
                " group by [EMPLOYEE].[EmpNo],[EMPLOYEE].[EmpName],[EMPLOYEE].[EmpSex],[EMPLOYEE].[EmpAge]" +
                " order by '总工资' desc");

table = db.getBySql(@"select [EMPLOYEE].[EmpName],[COMPANY].[CmpName] from [EMPLOYEE],[COMPANY],[WORKS]"+
                " where [EMPLOYEE].[EmpNo]=[WORKS].[EmpNo]" +
                 " and [COMPANY].[CmpNo]=[WORKS].[CmpNo]" +
                 "and [EMPLOYEE].[EmpNo] in" +
                " (select [WORKS].[EmpNo] from [WORKS] group by [EmpNo] having count([CmpNo])>1)");
able = db.getBySql(@"select [Employee].[Ename],sum([Works].[salary]) as '总工资'" +
                "from [Employee],[Works]" +  
                "where [Works].[Eno]=[Employee].[Eno]" +
                "group by [Employee].[Ename] having count(Cno)>=2");

table = db.getBySql(@"select [Company].[Cname],sum([Works].[salary]) as '总工资' " +
                " from [Company],[Works]" +
                " where [Company].[Cno]=[Works].[Cno]" +
                " group by [Company].[Cname]" +
                " order by '总工资' desc");

 table = db.getBySql(@"select [TEACHERS].[TName],[COURSES].[CName]"+
                       "from [TEACHERS],[COURSES],[WORKS]"+
                        "where [WORKS].[CNo]=[COURSES].[CNo]"+
                        "and [WORKS].[TNo]=[TEACHERS].[TNo]"+
                      "and [TEACHERS].[TNo] in"+
                      "(select [WORKS].[TNo] from [WORKS] group by [WORKS].[TNo] having count([WORKS].[CNo])>=2)");

table = db.getBySql(@"select [Department].[DeptName], sum([Group].[Number]) as '病人人数' " +
                " from [Department],[Group]" +
                " where [Department].[DeptNo]=[Group].[DeptNo]" +
                " group by [Department].[DeptNo],[Department].[DeptName] " +
                " order by '病人人数' desc");

 table = db.getBySql(@"select [Group].[GroupName],  [Group].[Month],[Group].[Number] " +
                " from [Group]" +
                " where [Group].[Number] in(select max([Group].[Number])from [Group])"+
            " or [Group].[Number]in(select min([Group].[Number])from [Group])");

 DataTable table = db.getBySql(@"select [Department].[DeptName],[Group].[GroupName],[Patient].[PName] " +
                " from [Department],[Group],[Patient]" +
                " where [Department].[DeptNo]=[Group].[DeptNo]" +
                " and [Group].[GroupNo]=[Patient].[GroupNo]" +
                " and [Patient].[PName]like'%" + textBox1.Text + "%'" );

 DataTable table = db.getBySql(@"select [Course].[Cname],count([SC].[Sno])as'选课人数',avg([SC].[grade])as'平均分数' " +
                " from [Course],[SC],[Student]" +
                " where [Course].[Cno]=[SC].[cno]" +
                " and [Student].[Sname]like'%" + textBox2.Text + "%'"+
            " group by [Course].[Cname]  ");


上一篇:Introduction to templates in C++

下一篇:Pushpin How it works