if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N‘[fn_ChineseToSpell]‘) and xtype in (N‘FN‘, N‘IF‘, N‘TF‘))
drop function [fn_ChineseToSpell]
create function [dbo].[fn_ChineseToSpell](@strChinese varchar(500)=‘‘)
returns varchar(500)
begin /*函数实现开始*/
declare @strLen int,@return varchar(500),@i int
declare @n int,@c char(1),@chn nchar(1)
select @strLen=len(@strChinese),@return=‘‘,@i=0
while @i<@strLen
begin /*while循环开始*/
select @i=@i+1,@n=63,@chn=substring(@strChinese,@i,1)
if @chn>‘z‘/*原理:“字符串排序以及ASCII码表”*/ select @n = @n +1,@c =case chn when @chn then char(@n) else @c end from(select top 27 * from (select chn = ‘吖‘ union all select ‘八‘ union all select ‘嚓‘ union all select ‘咑‘ union all select ‘妸‘ union all select ‘发‘ union all select ‘旮‘ union all select ‘铪‘ union all select ‘丌‘ /*because have no ‘i‘*/ union all select ‘丌‘ union all select ‘咔‘ union all select ‘垃‘ union all select ‘嘸‘ union all select ‘拏‘ union all select ‘噢‘ union all select ‘妑‘ union all select ‘七‘ union all select ‘呥‘ union all select ‘仨‘ union all select ‘他‘ union all select ‘屲‘ /*no ‘u‘*/ union all select ‘屲‘ /*no ‘v‘*/ union all select ‘屲‘ union all select ‘夕‘ union all select ‘丫‘ union all select ‘帀‘ union all select @chn) as a order by chn COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS ) as b else
set @c=@chn
set @return=@return+@c
end /*while循环结束*/
end /*函数实现结束*/
select dbo.[fn_ChineseToSpell](‘魏保光‘)
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