COMP 1010 Game and Drawing Application

ASSIGNMENT 2: Game and Drawing Application
COURSE TITLE: Introduction to Computer Science 1
TERM: Summer 2019
Assignment 2: Game and Drawing Application
DUE DATE: JUNE 23, 2019 AT 11:59PM
Review the following topics
Variables and final named constants
Active Processing: setup() and draw()
State-driven programming
User-defined functions
Data types – int, float and boolean
IF statement and relational boolean operators
Name your sketches using your name, the assignment number, and the question number, exactly as in this
example: LastnameFirstnameA2Q1.
Your programs must run upon download to receive any marks.
Submit one pde file for each question.
Assignments must follow the programming standards document published on the course website on Moodle.
These assignments are your chance to learn the material for the exams. Code your assignments independently.

代做COMP 1010作业、代写Drawing Application作业、代写Python,c/c++,Java编程设计作业
We use software to compare all submitted assignments to each other, and pursue academic dishonestly
Q1: A Simple Game Simulator - 10 marks
For this question, you will implement a simple
game simulator. A frame from the game is shown
on the right.
The game uses the character you created for
Assignment 1 and a food item. Your program
must create a food item (a simple red circle) at a
random location on the canvas. When the user
clicks on the food, the character must move
towards the food until it reaches the food, that is,
until the centre of the character reaches the
position of the mouse when the mouse was
clicked. When the character covers the food, the
food is considered eaten. The user receives a
score for every food item eaten. The score is
awarded based on the relative location of the food
and the character when the food item first appears
(see below).
When the food is eaten by the character, the
program must generate another food item in a random location for the character to eat. This
game play should continue until either the score reaches or exceeds a goal score or the score is
ASSIGNMENT 1: Game and Drawing Application
less than a minimum required score to play. In either case, an appropriate message should be
printed on the canvas and the game stopped.
Your program must keep track of the score on the left in a score bar.
In each round of the game, draw a red circle to represent the food and draw your character.
Ensure that the whole food item is always drawn within the canvas (considering the score bar
and edges).
The game rules are as follows. Depending on where the new food item is located relative to the
character, the score gets a multiplier:
If the food is above and to the left of the character, multiply the score by 5
If the food is above and to the right of the character, multiply the score by 0.2
If the food is below and to the left of the character, multiply the score by 2
If the food is below and to the right of the character, multiply the score by 0.7
Use trigonometry to figure out the relative location of the food and the character. HINT:
calculate the angle between the food and the character and use it to identify the relative location.
For example, if the angle is between 0 and HALF_PI, the food is above and to the left of the
The user should start the game with a certain initial score (e.g., 40) and a goal that s/he hopes to
reach (e.g., 400). The user must keep playing until either:
1) s/he reaches or exceeds the goal, or
2) s/he has a score of less than 1.
Show the score as a vertical bar against a white background on the left side of the screen. A
small bar near the bottom means the user has a low score. A bar that reaches the top of the
window means the user has reached or exceeded the goal. If the bar disappears, the user has lost.
You should also show the current score after each round as a text at the top part of the score bar.
As shown in the screenshot, the blue bar and the text indicate that the user has received a score of
200 so far in the game. You can refer to the demo video created for this question.
You should use a canvas size of 500 by 500.
You should use 50 for the size of your character and 30 for the diameter of the food.
You should make global constants for the parameters of the game, such as the colors
used, sizes of the food and character, and so on. You should be able to quickly and easily
change the appearance of the food, the starting score, and so on.
You will also need global variables to keep track of the current score, the goal score, the
location of the character, food, and mouse when it was clicked, and so on.
Use a boolean variable to indicate whether or not the game is over. If the game is over,
the user shouldn’t be able to play and move the character.
Use float for the variables as you must use trigonometry.
You should use a constant to control the speed of the movement of the character. You
should divide the distance between the food and the character by this constant to create a
smooth movement effect.
You should erase the canvas for every round of the game and redraw the character, the
food, and the score bar.
ASSIGNMENT 1: Game and Drawing Application
You can use the built-in function called mouseClicked() to capture the mouse
Q2: A Simple Paint Application - 10 marks
For this question, you will implement a simple drawing application that let users to draw and
choose some options for their drawings.
Here are the minimum requirements for the
Use a canvas size of 800 by 600.
Pick at least three simple features
from a drawing application (e.g.,
color, background, shape, stroke
weight). Add the features‘ names in
the canvas with the text command.
Now pick at least four options for
each of these features (e.g., for color:
red, green, blue, yellow; for stroke
weight: 1, 2, 3, 4) and represent them
in the canvas (e.g., in the screenshot,
stroke colors are shown in rectangles,
thicknesses are shown with lines).
Add a large sub-canvas (i.e., rectangle) inside the main canvas. Restrict the drawing to
this subcanvas.
Add functionalities for the feature options in such a way that if the user clicks on an
option, s/he can draw lines or shapes in the sub-canvas with the selected options (e.g., if a
user clicks on a red stroke color, s/he will be able to draw with red ink).
This seems complex, but the amount of code should not be too large, and if you
implement it using many small functions, one at a time, it will be much easier. Here‘s a
suggested approach (you can do it differently if you prefer):
o Use a drawPalette() function to draw the palette of options. You may want to
further divide this into three smaller functions, one for each option.
o Use a checkPaletteClick() function to act appropriately if the user clicks in the
palette. Again, you might want to use three smaller functions, one for each of the
three options.
o Just as you would write the usual setup() and draw() functions, you can write a
mouseClicked() function, which contains code that you want to run when a mouse
click is detected.
o Use a drawInCanvas() function when the mouse is in the drawing area.
Assignment Notes:
Hand in two pde files, one each for Questions 1 and 2.
Make sure your files are named exactly as specified in the instructions at the beginning of
the assignment.
Follow all the programming standards.

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COMP 1010 Game and Drawing Application


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