Chapter 5 Defining Classes II
5.1 Static Methods and Static Variables
(1)Static Methods
NB:(1)在静态的方法中,比如main中,调用静态的方法,可以直接使用class_name.method_name() 的形式,但是如果要调用非静态的方法在静态的方法中,那么需要创建一个该非静态方法的类的对象,然后使用该对象对函数进行调用即可。
(2)Static Variables
A static variable is a variable that belongs to the class as a whole and not just to one object
However, with a static variable, there is only one copy of the variable, and all the objects can use this one variable.
Thus, a static variable can be used by objects to communicate between the objects.One object can change the static variable, and another object can read that change.
As we already noted, you cannot directly access an instance variable within the definition of a static method. However, it is perfectly legal to access a static variable within a static method, because a static variable belongs to the class as a whole.
5.2 The Math Class
The class Math provides a number of standard mathematical methods. The class Math is provided automatically and requires no import statement. The Math class is in the java.lang package, so it requires no import statement
Wrapper Classes
Wrapper classes provide a class type corresponding to each of the primitive types so that you can have an object of a class type that behaves somewhat like its corresponding value of a primitive type
To convert a value of a primitive type to an “equivalent” value of a class type, you create an object of the corresponding wrapper class using the primitive type value as an argument to the wrapper class constructor
If you want to convert an int value, such as 42 , to an object of type Integer , you can do so as follows:
Integer integerObject = new Integer(42);
Automatic Boxing and Unboxing
boxing: a primitive type(int)--> a object of(Integer)
比如:Integer numberOfSamuri = 47; Double price = 499.99; Character grade = 'A'; 即可
unboxing:a object of(Integer)--> a primitive type(int)
比如:Integer numberOfSamuri = new Integer(47); int n = numberOfSamuri; <==> Integer numberOfSamuri = new Integer(47);
int n = numberOfSamuri.intValue();
NB:Java automatically applies the appropriate accessor method ( intValue , doubleValue , or charValue in these cases) to obtain the value of the primitive type that is assigned to the variable
Character 常用的函数:
5.2 References and Class Parameters
(1)Variables and Memory
A computer has two forms of memory called secondary memory and main memory.
The secondary memory is used to hold files for more or less permanent storage.
The main memory is used by the computer when it is running a program
Main memory consists of a long list of numbered locations called bytes, each containing eight bits; that is, eight 0/1 digits.
The number that identifies a byte is called its address
The object named by the variable is stored in some other location in memory, and the variable contains only the memory address of where the object is stored.This memory address is called a reference (to the object).
(2) class parameters
当类的对象作为传参的对象的时,结果和传递数组相同。因为二者的存储地址都是一个引用地址,因此对传递参数值的改变,也相当于是改变了该对象或者数组中的值,即使不用return的时候。但是如果传递的是int类型的数据,那么必须有return的返回值,否则改变的只是函数中的local variable,调用该函数的参数没有发生改变。
(3) The Constant null
if (yourObject == null)
System.out.println("No real object here.");
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