DECLARE @SQL NVARCHAR(2000) SET @SQL = ‘SELECT @TotalCount=COUNT(1) FROM #temptable‘ + @Condition EXEC sp_executesql @SQL, N‘@TotalCount INT OUTPUT‘, @TotalCount OUTPUT DECLARE @ExeSQL NVARCHAR(4000) SET @ExeSQL = ‘ WITH temp AS ( SELECT TOP ‘ + @LastRow + ‘ #temptable.* , ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( ORDER BY #temptable.MeetID ) AS PX FROM #temptable ‘ + @Condition + ‘ ORDER BY #temptable.MeetID ) SELECT * FROM temp WHERE PX >=‘ + @FirstRow EXEC (@ExeSQL)
IF OBJECT_ID(‘tempdb..#tempMettings‘) IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tempMettings SELECT a.Id , a.Metting_DateBet , a.Meeting_DateEnd , a.Metting_Date , a.Metting_Time , a.Meeting_FTime , a.Site , a.SiteType INTO #tempMettings FROM ( SELECT Id , Metting_DateBet , Meeting_DateEnd , Metting_Date , Meeting_FDate Metting_Time , Meeting_FTime , Site , SiteType FROM Mobile_Manager_Mettings WHERE SiteType = ‘2‘ AND Status NOT IN ( 0, 7, 2 ) ) a