1 # 重复的代码越多,后期维护的成本越高 2 # while循环 3 4 i = 1 5 while i <= 100: 6 print(i) 7 i += 1
import random from pip._vendor.distlib.compat import raw_input i = 0 while i < 3: #Python分支if和循环while没有用()表示范围,是用缩进标识的,在它后面的缩进都属于函数范围 i += 1 player = raw_input('石头,剪刀,布') hand = ('石头', '剪刀', '布') a = len(hand) print(a) b = random.randint(0, a - 1) print(b) computer = hand[b] print(computer) if (player == '石头' and computer == '剪刀') or (player == '剪刀' and computer == '布') or ( player == '布' and computer == '石头'): print('你赢了') elif player == computer: print('不分胜负') else: print('很抱歉,你输了')