路径规划—PRM(Probabilistic Road Map)


Probabilistic Road Map, 分为两个过程

Learning phase和Query phase.

Learning phase(学习阶段):

1. Sample N points in C-space.(在空间内撒N个点)

2. Delete points that are not collision-free.(删掉在障碍物上的点)

3. Connect to nearest points and get collision-free segments.(最近的几个点之间连线,距离太远的点之间不连线如红色线,距离提前规定相距多远的点之间连线)

4. Delete segments that are not collision free.(删除连线过障碍物的边如绿线)

                路径规划—PRM(Probabilistic Road Map)      路径规划—PRM(Probabilistic Road Map)

Query phase(查询阶段):

  1. Search on the road map to find a path from the start to the goal(using Dijkstra‘s algorithm or the A* algorithm).
  2. Road map is now similar with the grid map(or a simplified grid map).
路径规划—PRM(Probabilistic Road Map)





Required to solve 2 point boundary value problem.

Build graph over state space but no particular focus on generating a path.

Not efficient.

改进方法:Lazy collision-checking


Collision-checking process is time-consuming, especially in complex or high-dimensional environments.
So sample points and generates segments without considering the collision.


1.Find a path on the road map generated without collision-checking.(在地图上不使用障碍物碰撞检测的方式寻找一个路径)

路径规划—PRM(Probabilistic Road Map)

2. Delete the corresponding edges and nodes if the path is not collision free.

路径规划—PRM(Probabilistic Road Map)

3. Restart path finding.

路径规划—PRM(Probabilistic Road Map)

路径规划—PRM(Probabilistic Road Map)


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