django apscheduler 定时任务(下篇)


  • scheduler: 指定调度器
  • trigger: 任务执行的方式,共有三种:'date'、'interval'、'cron'。
    • 'date' + 'run_date' 的参数组合, 能实现单次任务。 例子:2019-07-07 22:49:00 执行任务 @register_job(scheduler, 'date', id='test', run_date='2019-07-07 22:49:00') 注:在亲测时,执行完任务会报错,原因时执行完任务后会去mysql中删除djangojob表中的任务。但是djangojobexecution表记录着执行结果,有外键关联着djangojob表,所以删除时显示有外键约束错误。但是任务会正常执行,执行之后也会正常删除。
    • 'interval' + 'hours' + 'minutes' + ..... 的参数组合,能实现间隔性任务。 例子:每隔3个半小时执行任务 还有seconds,days参数可以选择 注:如果任务需要执行10秒,而间隔设置为1秒,它是不会给你开10个线程同时去执行10个任务的。它会错过其他任务直到当前任务完成。
    • @register_job(scheduler, 'interval', id='test', hours=3, minutes=30)
    • 'cron' + 'hour' + 'minute'+...的参数组合,能实现cron类的任务。 例子:每天的8点半执行任务 还有day,second,month等参数可以选择。
    • @register_job(scheduler, 'cron', id='test', hour=8, minute=30)
  • id: 任务的名字,不传的话会自动生成。不过为了之后对任务进行暂停、开启、删除等操作,建议给一个名字。并且是唯一的,如果多个任务取一个名字,之前的任务就会被覆盖。
  • args: list类型。执行代码所需要的参数。
  • next_run_time:datetime类型。开始执行时间。如果你现在创建一个定时任务,想3天后凌晨三点半自动给你女朋友发微信,那就需要这个参数了。




    def add_job(self, func, trigger=None, args=None, kwargs=None, id=None, name=None,
                misfire_grace_time=undefined, coalesce=undefined, max_instances=undefined,
                next_run_time=undefined, jobstore='default', executor='default',
                replace_existing=False, **trigger_args):
        add_job(func, trigger=None, args=None, kwargs=None, id=None, \
            name=None, misfire_grace_time=undefined, coalesce=undefined, \
            max_instances=undefined, next_run_time=undefined, \
            jobstore='default', executor='default', \
            replace_existing=False, **trigger_args)

        Adds the given job to the job list and wakes up the scheduler if it's already running.

        Any option that defaults to ``undefined`` will be replaced with the corresponding default
        value when the job is scheduled (which happens when the scheduler is started, or
        immediately if the scheduler is already running).

        The ``func`` argument can be given either as a callable object or a textual reference in
        the ``package.module:some.object`` format, where the first half (separated by ``:``) is an
        importable module and the second half is a reference to the callable object, relative to
        the module.

        The ``trigger`` argument can either be:
          #. the alias name of the trigger (e.g. ``date``, ``interval`` or ``cron``), in which case
            any extra keyword arguments to this method are passed on to the trigger's constructor
          #. an instance of a trigger class

        :param func: callable (or a textual reference to one) to run at the given time
        :param str|apscheduler.triggers.base.BaseTrigger trigger: trigger that determines when
            ``func`` is called
        :param list|tuple args: list of positional arguments to call func with
        :param dict kwargs: dict of keyword arguments to call func with
        :param str|unicode id: explicit identifier for the job (for modifying it later)
        :param str|unicode name: textual description of the job
        :param int misfire_grace_time: seconds after the designated runtime that the job is still
            allowed to be run (or ``None`` to allow the job to run no matter how late it is)
        :param bool coalesce: run once instead of many times if the scheduler determines that the
            job should be run more than once in succession
        :param int max_instances: maximum number of concurrently running instances allowed for this
        :param datetime next_run_time: when to first run the job, regardless of the trigger (pass
            ``None`` to add the job as paused)
        :param str|unicode jobstore: alias of the job store to store the job in
        :param str|unicode executor: alias of the executor to run the job with
        :param bool replace_existing: ``True`` to replace an existing job with the same ``id``
            (but retain the number of runs from the existing one)
        :rtype: Job

        job_kwargs = {
            'trigger': self._create_trigger(trigger, trigger_args),
            'executor': executor,
            'func': func,
            'args': tuple(args) if args is not None else (),
            'kwargs': dict(kwargs) if kwargs is not None else {},
            'id': id,
            'name': name,
            'misfire_grace_time': misfire_grace_time,
            'coalesce': coalesce,
            'max_instances': max_instances,
            'next_run_time': next_run_time
        job_kwargs = dict((key, value) for key, value in six.iteritems(job_kwargs) if
                          value is not undefined)
        job = Job(self, **job_kwargs)

        # Don't really add jobs to job stores before the scheduler is up and running
        with self._jobstores_lock:
            if self.state == STATE_STOPPED:
                self._pending_jobs.append((job, jobstore, replace_existing))
      'Adding job tentatively -- it will be properly scheduled when '
                                  'the scheduler starts')
                self._real_add_job(job, jobstore, replace_existing)

        return job



ef test_add_task(request):
    if request.method == 'POST':
        content = json.loads(request.body.decode())  # 接收参数
            start_time = content['start_time']  # 用户输入的任务开始时间, '10:00:00'
            start_time = start_time.split(':')
            hour = int(start_time)[0]
            minute = int(start_time)[1]
            second = int(start_time)[2]
            s = content['s']  # 接收执行任务的各种参数
            # 创建任务
            scheduler.add_job(test, 'cron', hour=hour, minute=minute, second=second, args=[s])
            code = '200'
            message = 'success'
        except Exception as e:
            code = '400'
            message = e
        back = {
            'code': code,
            'message': message
        return JsonResponse(json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False), safe=False)



  • 删除任务 scheduler.remove_job(job_name)
  • 暂停任务 scheduler.pause_job(job_name)
  • 开启任务 scheduler.resume_job(job_name)
  • 修改任务 scheduler.modify_job(job_name) 注:修改任务只能修改参数,如果要修改执行时间的话,就把任务删了重新创建。


上一篇:【FastAPI 学习十二】定时任务篇
