


◆ 减少程序员的开发时间
◆ 使得编码风格变得标准
◆ 能减少代码冲突
◆ 能代码进行分组
◆ 很好的灵活性






The command line usage is as follows:

narrange-console <input> [output] [/c:configuration]
[/b] [/r] [/t] input Specifies the source code file, project, solution or
directory to arrange. output For a single source file, specifies the output file
to write arranged code to.
[Optional] If not specified the input source
file will be overwritten. /c Configuration - Specifies the XML configuration file to use.
[Optional] If not specified the default
configuration will be used. /b Backup - Specifies to create a backup before arranging
[Optional] If not specified, no backup will be created.
Only valid if an output file is not specified
and cannot be used in conjunction with Restore. /r Restore - Restores arranged files from the latest backup
[Optional] When this flag is provided, no files will be arranged.
Only valid if an output file is not specified
and cannot be used in conjunction with Backup. /t Trace - Detailed logging

为了使用方便,通常在Visual Studio中添加外部工具的方式来使用Narrange

  1. From the Tools menu, select External Tools.
  2. Add a new entry for NArrange.
    • For the Command, select the location of narrange-console.exe.
    • For arguments, pass the solution, project or file path macro depending on your preference. When choosing this, you may want to take into consideration your revision control system (i.e. whether or not files are marked as read-only). NArrange cannot arrange read-only files. It is recommended to pass the /b argument to specify that an automatic backup be created in your user temp directory.




  1. It is also recommended to setup a restore command using the same parameters, replacing /b with /r. However, be careful when using restore as it will revert any edits made to a file since the last NArrange.


上一篇:小清新的jQuery ck-slide 图片轮播
