支持各种特殊字符的 CSV 解析类 (.net 实现)(C#读写CSV文件)

直接以List<List<string>> 形式输出,方便进一步处理

CsvFileHelper myCsv = new CsvFileHelper(@"C:\Users\administer\Desktop\my6.csv", Encoding.UTF8);
var myData = myCsv.GetListCsvData();
CsvFileHelper.SaveCsvFile(@"C:\Users\administer\Desktop\my9.csv", myData, true, new System.Text.UTF8Encoding(false));

 单个元素支持包括tab,换行回车(\r\n),空内容等在内的所有文本字符 (在使用时请确定文件的编码方式)


csv(Comma Separated Values)逗号分隔值,有时也称为字符分隔值,因为分隔字符也可以不是逗号),其文件以纯文本形式存储表格数据(数字和文本)。纯文本意味着该文件是一个字符序列,不含必须象二进制数字那样被解读的数据。CSV文件由任意数目的记录组成,记录间以某种换行符分隔;每条记录由字段组成,字段间的分隔符是其它字符或字符串,最常见的是逗号或制表符。通常,所有记录都有完全相同的字段序列。CSV是一种Excel表格的导出格式,在Excel表格的菜单栏中点击文件->另存为会弹出一个文件夹浏览窗口,在下拉框中可以选择保存格式,其中有一个就是.CSV(逗号分隔符)选项。
“CSV”并不是一种单一的、定义明确的格式(尽管RFC 4180有一个被通常使用的定义)。因此在实践中,术语“CSV”泛指具有以下特征的任何文件:

  • 纯文本,使用某个字符集,比如ASCII、Unicode、EBCDIC或GB2312;
  • 由记录组成(典型的是每行一条记录);
  • 每条记录被分隔符分隔为字段(典型分隔符有逗号、分号或制表符;有时分隔符可以包括可选的空格);
  • 每条记录都有同样的字段序列。



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text; /*******************************************************************************
* Copyright (c) 2016 lijie
* All rights reserved.
* 文件名称:
* 内容摘要: mycllq@hotmail.com
* 历史记录:
* 日 期: 201601010 创建人: lulianqi
* 描 述: 创建
*******************************************************************************/ namespace MyCommonHelper.FileHelper
/// <summary>
/// 单个元素支持包括tab,换行回车(\r\n),空内容等在内的所有文本字符 (在使用时请确定文件的编码方式)
/// 可指定元素分割符,换行官方必须为\r\n(\r\n可以作为内容出现在元素中),转义字符必须为".
/// 转义所有的引号必须出现在首尾(如果不在首尾,则不会按转义符处理,直接作为引号处理)[excel可以读取转义出现在中间的情况,而本身存储不会使用这种方式,保存时并会强制修复这种异常,所以这里遇到中间转义的情况直接抛出指定异常]
/// 如果在被转义的情况下需要出现引号,则使用2个引号代替(如果需要在首部使用双引号,则需要转义该元素,其他地方可直接使用)(excel对所有双引号都进行转义,无论其出现位置,对于保存方式可以选择是否按excel的方式进行保存)
/// 每一行的结尾是不需要逗号结束的,如果多加一个逗号则标识该行会多一个空元素
/// 空行也是一个空元素,一个逗号是2个空元素,所以不可能出现有的行元素为空
/// 使用问题或疑问可通过mycllq@hotmail.com进行联系
/// </summary>
public sealed class CsvFileHelper : IDisposable
{ #region Members //private FileStream _fileStream;
private Stream _stream;
private StreamReader _streamReader;
//private StreamWriter _streamWriter;
//private Stream _memoryStream;
private Encoding _encoding;
//private readonly StringBuilder _columnBuilder = new StringBuilder(100);
private Type _type = Type.File;
private bool _trimColumns = false; private char _csvSeparator = ','; #endregion Members #region Properties /// <summary>
/// Gets or sets whether column values should be trimmed
/// </summary>
public bool TrimColumns
get { return _trimColumns; }
set { _trimColumns = value; }
} public Type DataSouceType
get{ return _type;}
} /// <summary>
/// get or set Csv Separator (Default Values is ,)
/// </summary>
public char CsvSeparator
get { return _csvSeparator; }
set { _csvSeparator = value; }
#endregion Properties #region Enums /// <summary>
/// Type enum
/// </summary>
public enum Type
} #endregion Enums #region Methods /// <summary>
/// Initialises the reader to work from a file
/// </summary>
/// <param name="filePath">File path</param>
public CsvFileHelper(string filePath):this(filePath, Encoding.Default)
} /// <summary>
/// Initialises the reader to work from a file
/// </summary>
/// <param name="filePath">File path</param>
/// <param name="encoding">Encoding</param>
public CsvFileHelper(string filePath, Encoding encoding)
_type = Type.File;
if (!File.Exists(filePath))
throw new FileNotFoundException(string.Format("The file '{0}' does not exist.", filePath));
//_stream = File.OpenRead(filePath); //return a FileStream (OpenRead 源码就是 return new FileStream(path, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None);)
_stream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite);
_stream.Position = ;
_encoding = (encoding ?? Encoding.Default);
_streamReader = new StreamReader(_stream, _encoding);
} /// <summary>
/// Initialises the reader to work from an existing stream
/// </summary>
/// <param name="stream">Stream ( new MemoryStream(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(csvString ?? "")))</param>
public CsvFileHelper(Stream stream):this(stream, Encoding.Default)
} /// <summary>
/// Initialises the reader to work from an existing stream
/// </summary>
/// <param name="stream">Stream</param>
/// <param name="encoding">Encoding</param>
public CsvFileHelper(Stream stream, Encoding encoding)
_type = Type.Stream;
if (stream == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("The supplied stream is null.");
_stream = stream;
_stream.Position = ;
_encoding = (encoding ?? Encoding.Default);
_streamReader = new StreamReader(_stream, _encoding);
} /// <summary>
/// Initialises the reader to work from an existing stream (with the Separator char)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="stream">Stream</param>
/// <param name="encoding">Encoding</param>
/// <param name="yourSeparator"> the Separator char</param>
public CsvFileHelper(Stream stream, Encoding encoding, char yourSeparator): this(stream, encoding)
CsvSeparator = yourSeparator;
} /// <summary>
/// Initialises the reader to work from an existing string
/// </summary>
/// <param name="useStringCsv">just set it null</param>
/// <param name="csvString">csv string</param>
public CsvFileHelper(object useStringCsv , string csvString)
: this(new MemoryStream(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(csvString ?? "")), Encoding.Default)
{ } /// <summary>
/// Initialises the reader to work from an existing string
/// </summary>
/// <param name="useStringCsv">just set it null</param>
/// <param name="csvString">csv string</param>
/// <param name="yourSeparator"></param>
public CsvFileHelper(object useStringCsv,string csvString, char yourSeparator)
: this(new MemoryStream(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(csvString ?? "")), Encoding.Default)
CsvSeparator = yourSeparator;
} private List<string> ParseLine(string line)
StringBuilder _columnBuilder = new StringBuilder();
List<string> Fields = new List<string>();
bool inColumn = false; //是否是在一个列元素里
bool inQuotes = false; //是否需要转义
bool isNotEnd = false; //读取完毕未结束转义
_columnBuilder.Remove(, _columnBuilder.Length); // Iterate through every character in the line
for (int i = ; i < line.Length; i++)
char character = line[i]; // If we are not currently inside a column
if (!inColumn)
// If the current character is a double quote then the column value is contained within
// double quotes, otherwise append the next character
inColumn = true;
if (character == '"')
inQuotes = true;
} } // If we are in between double quotes
if (inQuotes)
if ((i + ) == line.Length)//这个字符已经结束了整行
if (character == '"') //正常转义结束,且该行已经结束
inQuotes = false;
continue; //当前字符不用添加,跳出后直结束后会添加该元素
else //异常结束,转义未收尾
isNotEnd = true;
else if (character == '"' && line[i + ] == _csvSeparator) //结束转义,且后面有可能还有数据
inQuotes = false;
inColumn = false;
i++; //跳过下一个字符
else if (character == '"' && line[i + ] == '"') //双引号转义
i++; //跳过下一个字符
if (line.Length - == i)//异常结束,转义未收尾
isNotEnd = true;
else if (character == '"') //双引号单独出现(这种情况实际上已经是格式错误,为了兼容可暂时不处理)
throw new Exception(string.Format("[{0}]:格式错误,错误的双引号转义 near [{1}] ","ParseLine", line));
//其他情况直接跳出,后面正常添加 }
else if (character == _csvSeparator)
inColumn = false; // If we are no longer in the column clear the builder and add the columns to the list
if (!inColumn) //结束该元素时inColumn置为false,并且不处理当前字符,直接进行Add
Fields.Add(TrimColumns ? _columnBuilder.ToString().Trim() : _columnBuilder.ToString());
_columnBuilder.Remove(, _columnBuilder.Length); }
else // append the current column
} // If we are still inside a column add a new one (标准格式一行结尾不需要逗号结尾,而上面for是遇到逗号才添加的,为了兼容最后还要添加一次)
if (inColumn)
if (isNotEnd)
Fields.Add(TrimColumns ? _columnBuilder.ToString().Trim() : _columnBuilder.ToString());
} return Fields;
} /// <summary>
/// 处理未完成的Csv单行
/// </summary>
/// <param name="line">数据源</param>
/// <returns>元素列表</returns>
private List<string> ParseContinueLine(string line)
StringBuilder _columnBuilder = new StringBuilder();
List<string> Fields = new List<string>();
_columnBuilder.Remove(, _columnBuilder.Length);
if (line == "")
return Fields;
} for (int i = ; i < line.Length; i++)
char character = line[i]; if ((i + ) == line.Length)//这个字符已经结束了整行
if (character == '"') //正常转义结束,且该行已经结束
Fields.Add(TrimColumns ? _columnBuilder.ToString().TrimEnd() : _columnBuilder.ToString());
return Fields;
else //异常结束,转义未收尾
return Fields;
else if (character == '"' && line[i + ] == _csvSeparator) //结束转义,且后面有可能还有数据
Fields.Add(TrimColumns ? _columnBuilder.ToString().TrimEnd() : _columnBuilder.ToString());
i++; //跳过下一个字符
Fields.AddRange(ParseLine(line.Remove(, i+)));
else if (character == '"' && line[i + ] == '"') //双引号转义
i++; //跳过下一个字符
if (line.Length - == i)//异常结束,转义未收尾
return Fields;
} }
else if (character == '"') //双引号单独出现(这种情况实际上已经是格式错误,转义用双引号一定是【,"】【",】形式,包含在里面的双引号需要使用一对双引号进行转义)
throw new Exception(string.Format("[{0}]:格式错误,错误的双引号转义 near [{1}]", "ParseContinueLine", line));
return Fields;
} public List<List<string>> GetListCsvData()
_stream.Position = ;
List<List<string>> tempListCsvData = new List<List<string>>();
bool isNotEndLine = false;
string tempCsvRowString = _streamReader.ReadLine();
while (tempCsvRowString!=null)
List<string> tempCsvRowList;
if (isNotEndLine)
tempCsvRowList = ParseContinueLine(tempCsvRowString);
isNotEndLine = (tempCsvRowList.Count > && tempCsvRowList[tempCsvRowList.Count - ].EndsWith("\r\n"));
List<string> myNowContinueList = tempListCsvData[tempListCsvData.Count - ];
myNowContinueList[myNowContinueList.Count - ] += tempCsvRowList[];
tempCsvRowList = ParseLine(tempCsvRowString);
isNotEndLine = (tempCsvRowList.Count > && tempCsvRowList[tempCsvRowList.Count - ].EndsWith("\r\n"));
tempCsvRowString = _streamReader.ReadLine();
return tempListCsvData;
} public void Dispose()
} #endregion #region StaticTool #region 编码方式可接受值
//请考虑让应用程序使用 UTF-8 或 Unicode (UTF-16) 作为默认编码。大多数其他编码要么不完整并将许多字符转换为“?”,要么在不同的平台上具有稍有不同的行为。非 Unicode 编码通常具有多义性,应用程序则不再试图确定合适的编码,也不再提供用户用来修复文本语言或编码的更正下拉菜单。
This code produces the following output. CodePage identifier and name BrDisp BrSave MNDisp MNSave 1-Byte ReadOnly
37 IBM037 False False False False True True
437 IBM437 False False False False True True
500 IBM500 False False False False True True
708 ASMO-708 True True False False True True
720 DOS-720 True True False False True True
737 ibm737 False False False False True True
775 ibm775 False False False False True True
850 ibm850 False False False False True True
852 ibm852 True True False False True True
855 IBM855 False False False False True True
857 ibm857 False False False False True True
858 IBM00858 False False False False True True
860 IBM860 False False False False True True
861 ibm861 False False False False True True
862 DOS-862 True True False False True True
863 IBM863 False False False False True True
864 IBM864 False False False False True True
865 IBM865 False False False False True True
866 cp866 True True False False True True
869 ibm869 False False False False True True
870 IBM870 False False False False True True
874 windows-874 True True True True True True
875 cp875 False False False False True True
932 shift_jis True True True True False True
936 gb2312 True True True True False True
949 ks_c_5601-1987 True True True True False True
950 big5 True True True True False True
1026 IBM1026 False False False False True True
1047 IBM01047 False False False False True True
1140 IBM01140 False False False False True True
1141 IBM01141 False False False False True True
1142 IBM01142 False False False False True True
1143 IBM01143 False False False False True True
1144 IBM01144 False False False False True True
1145 IBM01145 False False False False True True
1146 IBM01146 False False False False True True
1147 IBM01147 False False False False True True
1148 IBM01148 False False False False True True
1149 IBM01149 False False False False True True
1200 utf-16 False True False False False True
1201 unicodeFFFE False False False False False True
1250 windows-1250 True True True True True True
1251 windows-1251 True True True True True True
1252 Windows-1252 True True True True True True
1253 windows-1253 True True True True True True
1254 windows-1254 True True True True True True
1255 windows-1255 True True True True True True
1256 windows-1256 True True True True True True
1257 windows-1257 True True True True True True
1258 windows-1258 True True True True True True
1361 Johab False False False False False True
10000 macintosh False False False False True True
10001 x-mac-japanese False False False False False True
10002 x-mac-chinesetrad False False False False False True
10003 x-mac-korean False False False False False True
10004 x-mac-arabic False False False False True True
10005 x-mac-hebrew False False False False True True
10006 x-mac-greek False False False False True True
10007 x-mac-cyrillic False False False False True True
10008 x-mac-chinesesimp False False False False False True
10010 x-mac-romanian False False False False True True
10017 x-mac-ukrainian False False False False True True
10021 x-mac-thai False False False False True True
10029 x-mac-ce False False False False True True
10079 x-mac-icelandic False False False False True True
10081 x-mac-turkish False False False False True True
10082 x-mac-croatian False False False False True True
20000 x-Chinese-CNS False False False False False True
20001 x-cp20001 False False False False False True
20002 x-Chinese-Eten False False False False False True
20003 x-cp20003 False False False False False True
20004 x-cp20004 False False False False False True
20005 x-cp20005 False False False False False True
20105 x-IA5 False False False False True True
20106 x-IA5-German False False False False True True
20107 x-IA5-Swedish False False False False True True
20108 x-IA5-Norwegian False False False False True True
20127 us-ascii False False True True True True
20261 x-cp20261 False False False False False True
20269 x-cp20269 False False False False True True
20273 IBM273 False False False False True True
20277 IBM277 False False False False True True
20278 IBM278 False False False False True True
20280 IBM280 False False False False True True
20284 IBM284 False False False False True True
20285 IBM285 False False False False True True
20290 IBM290 False False False False True True
20297 IBM297 False False False False True True
20420 IBM420 False False False False True True
20423 IBM423 False False False False True True
20424 IBM424 False False False False True True
20833 x-EBCDIC-KoreanExtended False False False False True True
20838 IBM-Thai False False False False True True
20866 koi8-r True True True True True True
20871 IBM871 False False False False True True
20880 IBM880 False False False False True True
20905 IBM905 False False False False True True
20924 IBM00924 False False False False True True
20932 EUC-JP False False False False False True
20936 x-cp20936 False False False False False True
20949 x-cp20949 False False False False False True
21025 cp1025 False False False False True True
21866 koi8-u True True True True True True
28591 iso-8859-1 True True True True True True
28592 iso-8859-2 True True True True True True
28593 iso-8859-3 False False True True True True
28594 iso-8859-4 True True True True True True
28595 iso-8859-5 True True True True True True
28596 iso-8859-6 True True True True True True
28597 iso-8859-7 True True True True True True
28598 iso-8859-8 True True False False True True
28599 iso-8859-9 True True True True True True
28603 iso-8859-13 False False False False True True
28605 iso-8859-15 False True True True True True
29001 x-Europa False False False False True True
38598 iso-8859-8-i True True True True True True
50220 iso-2022-jp False False True True False True
50221 csISO2022JP False True True True False True
50222 iso-2022-jp False False False False False True
50225 iso-2022-kr False False True False False True
50227 x-cp50227 False False False False False True
51932 euc-jp True True True True False True
51936 EUC-CN False False False False False True
51949 euc-kr False False True True False True
52936 hz-gb-2312 True True True True False True
54936 GB18030 True True True True False True
57002 x-iscii-de False False False False False True
57003 x-iscii-be False False False False False True
57004 x-iscii-ta False False False False False True
57005 x-iscii-te False False False False False True
57006 x-iscii-as False False False False False True
57007 x-iscii-or False False False False False True
57008 x-iscii-ka False False False False False True
57009 x-iscii-ma False False False False False True
57010 x-iscii-gu False False False False False True
57011 x-iscii-pa False False False False False True
65000 utf-7 False False True True False True
65001 utf-8 True True True True False True
65005 utf-32 False False False False False True
65006 utf-32BE False False False False False True */
#endregion /// <summary>
/// 静态构造函数只有在静态方法将要使用的时候才进行调用(静态成员同理)
/// </summary>
static CsvFileHelper()
isSaveAsExcel = true;
defaultEncoding = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding(false);
} private static bool isSaveAsExcel ;
private static Encoding defaultEncoding;
private static char csvSeparator = ',';
//private static Encoding utfBom = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("GB2312"); /// <summary>
/// get or set Csv Separator (Default Values is ,)
/// </summary>
public static char DefaultCsvSeparator
get { return csvSeparator; }
set { csvSeparator = value; }
} /// <summary>
/// get or set if save as Excel type (出现在首部的“是必须转义的,而出现在中间的不可以不用专门转义,而excel对所有双引号都进行转义,无论其出现位置)
/// </summary>
public static bool IsSaveAsExcel
get { return isSaveAsExcel; }
set { isSaveAsExcel = value; }
} /// <summary>
/// get or set Default Encoding (notice : if your want the System not with bom ,you should use the relevant Encoding)
/// </summary>
public static Encoding DefaultEncoding
get { return defaultEncoding; }
set { defaultEncoding = value; }
} private static void WriteCsvVeiw(List<List<string>> yourListCsvData, TextWriter writer)
foreach(List<string> tempField in yourListCsvData)
if (tempField == null || tempField.Count == )
WriteCsvLine(tempField, writer);
} private static void WriteCsvLine(List<string> fields, TextWriter writer)
if (fields == null || fields.Count == )
StringBuilder myStrBld = new StringBuilder();
//foreach(string tempField in fields) //使用foreach会产生许多不必要的string拷贝
for (int i = ; i < fields.Count; i++)
if (fields[i] == null)
bool quotesRequired = (isSaveAsExcel ? (fields[i].Contains(csvSeparator) || fields[i].Contains("\r\n") || fields[i].Contains("\"")) : (fields[i].Contains(csvSeparator) || fields[i].Contains("\r\n") || fields[i].StartsWith("\"")));
if (quotesRequired)
if (fields[i].Contains("\""))
myStrBld.Append(String.Format("\"{0}\"", fields[i].Replace("\"", "\"\"")));
myStrBld.Append(String.Format("\"{0}\"", fields[i]));
} if (i < fields.Count - )
} public static void SaveCsvFile(string yourFilePath,List<List<string>> yourDataSouse,bool isAppend,Encoding yourEncode)
//FileStream myCsvStream = new FileStream(yourFilePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
if (isAppend && !File.Exists(yourFilePath))
throw new Exception("in Append mode the FilePath must exist");
if(!isAppend && !File.Exists(yourFilePath))
if (yourFilePath.Contains('\\'))
if (!Directory.Exists(yourFilePath.Remove(yourFilePath.LastIndexOf('\\'))))
throw new Exception("the FilePath or the Directory it not exist");
} }
throw new Exception("find error in your FilePath");
//StreamWriter myCsvSw = new StreamWriter(yourFilePath, isAppend, yourEncode); //isAppend对应的Stream的FileMode 为 append ? FileMode.Append : FileMode.Create
StreamWriter myCsvSw = new StreamWriter(new FileStream(yourFilePath, isAppend ? FileMode.Append : FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.ReadWrite), yourEncode);
if (yourDataSouse == null)
throw new Exception("your DataSouse is null");
WriteCsvVeiw(yourDataSouse, myCsvSw);
} public static void SaveCsvFile(string yourFilePath, List<List<string>> yourDataSouse)
SaveCsvFile(yourFilePath, yourDataSouse, false, defaultEncoding);
} public static Stream OpenFile(string filePath)
Stream myStream;
myStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None);
catch (Exception)
return null;
return myStream;
} #endregion

github地址: https://github.com/lulianqi/MyOutTool/blob/master/CsvFileHelper.cs   (建议直接在该地址取代码,已经修复了几处错误,博客中的代码可能有更新不及时的情况)


上一篇:使用Http-Repl工具测试ASP.NET Core 2.2中的Web Api项目
