


to_pub_report a,
to_pub_rec_process b
a.Satisfy_ID = 1,
a.Satisfy_Content = '默认满意'
a.rec_id = b.rec_id
and a.Type_ID = 1
and a.State_ID = 4
and a.syn_flag = 1
and a.Satisfy_ID is null
and b.act_property_id = 101
and b.create_time < '2019-08-07 17:04:05'


UPDATE to_pub_report a
SET a.Satisfy_ID = 1, a.Satisfy_Content = '默认满意'
WHERE EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM to_pub_rec_process b WHERE a.rec_id = b.rec_id
and a.Type_ID = 1
and a.State_ID = 1
and a.syn_flag = 1
and a.Satisfy_ID is not null
and b.act_property_id = 0
and b.create_time = '2019-08-07 17:04:05'


select user_id, " +
" sum(state_id > 0) as reportNum, " +
" sum(act_property_id >= 5 and act_property_id <> 102) as validReportNum, " +
" sum(act_property_id >= 2 and act_property_id <> 102) as operateNum, " +
" sum(act_property_id > 4) as instNum, " +
" sum((state_id = 9) or (state_id = 4 and act_property_id = 102)) as cancelNum, " +
" sum(act_property_id = 101) as archiveNum " +
" from to_pub_report " +
" where 1=1 " +
reportExtendSql +
" group by user_id

sum(case when end)支持mysql、oracel、达梦的

sum(case when id > 0 then id end CASE)  如果id大于0,则取id值进行求和 
select user_id, " +
" sum(case when state_id > 0 then 1 end CASE) as reportNum, " +
" sum( " +
" case when act_property_id >= 5 and act_property_id <> 102 then 1 else 0 end) as validReportNum, " +
" sum( " +
" case when act_property_id >= 2 and act_property_id <> 102 then 1 else 0 end) as operateNum, " +
" sum(case when act_property_id > 4 then 1 else 0 end) as instNum, " +
" sum(case " +
" when (state_id = 9) or (state_id = 4 and act_property_id = 102) then 1 " +
" else 0 end) as cancelNum, " +
" sum(case when act_property_id = 101 then 1 else 0 end) as archiveNum " +
" from "+SchemaConst.DLMIS_+"to_pub_report " +
" where 1 = 1 " +
reportExtendSql +
" group by user_id

下一篇:Android M(6.0) 权限相关