关于购买kbmMW 的好消息

   今天早上,收到了kbmMW 作者Kim Madsen的一份邮件,说他看到我在写文章介绍kbmMW(我的博客是中文的,难道他也认识汉字,呵呵),

为了感谢我的支持,我的读者可以以7.5折的优惠价格购买kbmMW 的企业版和专业版,截至时间为2012年3月13号。需要购买的同学可以联系我,

我给大家发优惠码。由于数量有限,希望喜欢kbmMW 的同学不要错过这个机会,尽快动手,共同学习。

 I've noticed that you are blogging about kbmMW, which I would like to thank
you for doing!
I don't know if you would be interested in this, but in any case I have
decided to create a coupon code which you can give away to your readers as
you see fit.

The coupon code gives 25% discount on all new kbmMW Enterprise Edition and
kbmMW Professional Edition licenses purchased before March 13 2012.

上一篇:使用delphi 开发 web(二)动态脚本的实现
