Fancytree Javascript Tree TreeTable 树介绍和使用

Fancytree是一个非常棒的Javascript控件,功能强大,文档健全。在做Javascript Tree控件选型时,主要基于以下几点选择了Fancytree

  • 在Javascript Tree控件中,Fancytree的排名非常靠前,说明这个控件的用户使用量多、口碑好,当出现问题时在*中容易找到答案
  • 支持checkbox选择框
  • 支持Tree Table
  • checkbox选择框有三种状态,并可以disable掉checkbox选择框
  • 丰富的示例展示和代码展示、详尽的介绍文档、丰富的事件支持
  • 以下几方面虽然未使用到,但也是他很好的功能:节点可编辑、拖拽、过滤、全选、统计子节点、延迟加载、皮肤设置、事件钩子支持、右键菜单、树内部可加入多种控件


1. 前提条件---构建一颗Fancytree最基本的前提条件
2. 基础配置---完成一颗最基本的树结构所需做的配置
3. Fancytree所有配置项。名称、类型、介绍
4. Fancytree的Event(事件)预览、使用及介绍
5. Fancytree的属性、方法、参数及使用案例
6. FancytreeNode的属性、方法、参数及使用案例
7. 通过Javascript获取Fancytree、FancytreeNode对象和属性
8. Fancytree的事件钩子使用

9. 实用资料



<!-- Include jQuery and jQuery UI -->
<script src="//" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="//" type="text/javascript"></script>
<!-- Include Fancytree skin and library -->
<link href="fancytree/skin-win8/ui.fancytree.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<script src="fancytree/jquery.fancytree-all.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<!-- Initialize the tree when page is loaded -->
<script type="text/javascript">
// 具体如何给树传入数据请看第2条:基础配置
    //Create the tree inside the <div id="tree"> element.
$("#tree").fancytree({ ... });
<!-- Define where the tree should appear -->
<div id="tree">...</div>



<!-- Include jQuery and jQuery UI -->
<script src="//" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="//" type="text/javascript"></script>
<!-- Include Fancytree skin and library -->
<link href="fancytree/skin-win8/ui.fancytree.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<script src="fancytree/jquery.fancytree-all.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<!-- Initialize the tree when page is loaded -->
<script type="text/javascript">
// 初始化数据内容,可以是json格式、文件、连接等。具体还有什么属性、方法、时间、钩子请看下面的内容
  source: [ { "title": "Node 1", "key": "1" },
        {"title": "Folder 2","key": "2","folder": true,"children": [
                { "title": "Node 2.1", "key": "3" },
                { "title": "Node 2.2", "key": "4" }
}); });
<!-- Define where the tree should appear -->
<div id="tree">...</div>

3. Fancytree所有配置项。名称、类型、介绍

Name Type Description
activeVisible Boolean Make sure that the active node is always visible, i.e. its parents are expanded (default: true).
ajax object Default options for ajax requests
aria Boolean (default: false) Add WAI-ARIA attributes to markup
autoActivate Boolean Activate a node when focused with the keyboard (default: true)
autoCollapse Boolean Automatically collapse all siblings, when a node is expanded (default: false).
autoScroll Boolean Scroll node into visible area, when focused by keyboard (default: false).
checkbox Boolean Display checkboxes to allow selection (default: false)
clickFolderMode Integer Defines what happens, when the user click a folder node.
1:activate, 2:expand, 3:activate and expand, 4:activate/dblclick expands (default: 4)
debugLevel Integer 0..2 (null: use global setting $.ui.fancytree.debugInfo)
defaultKey function callback(node) is called for ner nodes without a key. Must return a new unique key. (default null: generates default keys like that: "_" + counter)
enableAspx Boolean Accept passing ajax data in a property named `d` (default: true).
extensions String[] List of active extensions (default: [])
focusOnSelect Boolean Set focus when node is checked by a mouse click (default: false)
generateIds Boolean Add `id="..."` to node markup (default: false).
icons Boolean Display node icons (default: true)
idPrefix String (default: "ft_")
imagePath String Path to a folder containing icons (default: null, using 'skin/' subdirectory).
keyboard Boolean Support keyboard navigation (default: true).
keyPathSeparator String (default: "/")
minExpandLevel Integer 2: top-level nodes are not collapsible (default: 1)
quicksearch Boolean navigate to next node by typing the first letters (default: false)
scrollOfs: object optional margins for node.scrollIntoView() (default: {top: 0, bottom: 0})
scrollParent: jQuery scrollable container for node.scrollIntoView() (default: $container)
selectMode Integer 1:single, 2:multi, 3:multi-hier (default: 2)
source any Used to Initialize the tree.
strings object Translation table
tabbable Boolean Add tabindex='0' to container, so tree can be reached using TAB
titlesTabbable Boolean Add tabindex='0' to node title span, so it can receive keyboard focus
toggleEffect object Animation options, false:off (default: { effect: "blind", options: {direction: "vertical", scale: "box"}, duration: 200 })


<script type="text/javascript">
$.ui.fancytree.debugLevel = 1; // silence debug output
function logEvent(event, data, msg){
// var args = $.isArray(args) ? args.join(", ") :
msg = msg ? ": " + msg : "";
$"Event('" + event.type + "', node=" + data.node + ")" + msg);
checkbox: true,
// --- Tree events -------------------------------------------------
blurTree: function(event, data) {
logEvent(event, data);
create: function(event, data) {
logEvent(event, data);
init: function(event, data, flag) {
logEvent(event, data, "flag=" + flag);
focusTree: function(event, data) {
logEvent(event, data);
restore: function(event, data) {
logEvent(event, data);
// --- Node events -------------------------------------------------
activate: function(event, data) {
logEvent(event, data);
var node = data.node;
// acces node attributes
if( !$.isEmptyObject( ){
// alert("custom node data: " + JSON.stringify(;
beforeActivate: function(event, data) {
logEvent(event, data, "current state=" + data.node.isActive());
// return false to prevent default behavior (i.e. activation)
// return false;
beforeExpand: function(event, data) {
logEvent(event, data, "current state=" + data.node.isExpanded());
// return false to prevent default behavior (i.e. expanding or collapsing)
// return false;
beforeSelect: function(event, data) {
// console.log("select", event.originalEvent);
logEvent(event, data, "current state=" + data.node.isSelected());
// return false to prevent default behavior (i.e. selecting or deselecting)
// if( data.node.isFolder() ){
// return false;
// }
blur: function(event, data) {
logEvent(event, data);
click: function(event, data) {
logEvent(event, data, ", targetType=" + data.targetType);
// return false to prevent default behavior (i.e. activation, ...)
//return false;
collapse: function(event, data) {
logEvent(event, data);
createNode: function(event, data) {
// Optionally tweak data.node.span or bind handlers here
logEvent(event, data);
dblclick: function(event, data) {
logEvent(event, data);
// data.node.toggleSelect();
deactivate: function(event, data) {
logEvent(event, data);
expand: function(event, data) {
logEvent(event, data);
focus: function(event, data) {
logEvent(event, data);
keydown: function(event, data) {
logEvent(event, data);
switch( event.which ) {
case 32: // [space]
return false;
keypress: function(event, data) {
// currently unused
logEvent(event, data);
lazyLoad: function(event, data) {
logEvent(event, data);
// return children or any other node source
data.result = {url: "ajax-sub2.json"};
// data.result = [
// {title: "A Lazy node", lazy: true},
// {title: "Another node", selected: true}
// ];
loadChildren: function(event, data) {
logEvent(event, data);
loadError: function(event, data) {
logEvent(event, data);
postProcess: function(event, data) {
logEvent(event, data);
// either modify the ajax response directly
data.response[0].title += " - hello from postProcess";
// or setup and return a new response object
// data.result = [{title: "set by postProcess"}];
removeNode: function(event, data) {
// Optionally release resources
logEvent(event, data);
renderNode: function(event, data) {
// Optionally tweak data.node.span
// $(data.node.span).text(">>" + data.node.title);
logEvent(event, data);
renderTitle: function(event, data) {
// NOTE: may be removed!
// When defined, must return a HTML string for the node title
logEvent(event, data);
// return "new title";
select: function(event, data) {
logEvent(event, data, "current state=" + data.node.isSelected());
var s = data.tree.getSelectedNodes().join(", ");
}).bind("fancytreeactivate", function(event, data){
// alternative way to bind to 'activate' event
// logEvent(event, data);
}).on("mouseenter mouseleave", ".fancytree-title", function(event){
// Add a hover handler to all node titles (using event delegation)
var node = $.ui.fancytree.getNode(event);;
var node = $("#tree").fancytree("getActiveNode");
node.setSelected( !node.isSelected() );
var node = $("#tree").fancytree("getActiveNode");
Name Type Description
activate function `data.node` was activated
beforeActivate function Return `false` to prevent default processing
beforeExpand function Return `false` to prevent default processing
beforeSelect function Return `false` to prevent default processing
blur function `data.node` lost keyboard focus
blurTree function `data.tree` lost keyboard focus
click function `data.node` was clicked. `data.targetType` contains the region ("title", "expander", ...). Return `false` to prevent default processing, i.e. activating, etc.
collapse function `data.node` was collapsed
create function Widget was created (called only once, even if re-initialized).
createNode function Allow tweaking and binding, after node was created for the first time (NOTE: this event is only available as callback, but not for bind())
dblclick function `data.node` was double-clicked. `data.targetType` contains the region ("title", "expander", ...). Return `false` to prevent default processing, i.e. expanding, etc.
deactivate function `data.node` was deactivated
expand function `data.node` was expanded
focus function `data.node` received keyboard focus
focusTree function `data.tree` received keyboard focus
init function Widget was (re-)initialized.
keydown function `data.node` received key. `event.which` contains the key. Return `false` to prevent default processing, i.e. navigation. Call `data.result = "preventNav";` to prevent navigation but still allow default handling inside embedded input controls.
keypress function (currently unused)
lazyLoad function `data.node` is a lazy node that is expanded for the first time. The new child data must be returned in the `data.result` property (see `source` option for available formats).
loadChildren function Node data was loaded, i.e. `node.nodeLoadChildren()` finished
loadError function A load error occured. Return `false` to prevent default processing
postProcess function Allows to modify the ajax response
removeNode function `data.node` was removed (NOTE: this event is only available as callback, but not for bind())
renderColumns function (used by table extension)
renderNode function Allow tweaking after node state was rendered (NOTE: this event is only available as callback, but not for bind())
renderTitle function Allow replacing the `<span class='fancytree-title'>` markup (NOTE: this event is only available as callback, but not for bind())
restore function ext-persist has expanded, selected, and activated the previous state
select function `data.node` was selected


Type Name Description
FancytreeOptions options  
FancytreeNode rootNode  
FancytreeNode activeNode  
FancytreeNode focusNode  
jQueryObject $div  
object widget  
object ext  
object data  
object options  
string _id  
string statusClassPropName  
string ariaPropName  
string nodeContainerAttrName  
string $container  
FancytreeNode lastSelectedNode  





changeRefKey(oldRefKey, newRefKey)










filterBranches(filter, opts={autoExpand: false})


filterNodes(filter, opts={autoExpand: false, leavesOnly: false})


findNextNode(match, startNode)


generateFormElements(selected=true, active=true, opts)








getNodeByKey(key, searchRoot)


getNodesByRef(refKey, rootNode)














loadKeyPath(keyPathList, callback)






render(force=false, deep=false)




toDict(includeRoot=false, callback(node))




Return Type Name and Arguments Details
FancytreeNode activateKey(key)
Activate node with a given key and fire focus and activate events. A prevously activated node will be deactivated. If activeVisible option is set, all parents will be expanded as necessary. Pass key = false, to deactivate the current node only.
Details Activate node with a given key and fire focus and activate events.

A prevously activated node will be deactivated.
If activeVisible option is set, all parents will be expanded as necessary.
Pass key = false, to deactivate the current node only.

$.Promise applyPatch(patchList)
Details (experimental)
void changeRefKey(oldRefKey, newRefKey)
[ext-clones] Replace a refKey with a new one.
Details [ext-clones] Replace a refKey with a new one.
void clearCookies()
[ext-persist] Remove persistence cookies of the given type(s). Called like $("#tree").fancytree("getTree").clearCookies("active expanded focus selected");
Details [ext-persist] Remove persistence cookies of the given type(s).
Called like
$("#tree").fancytree("getTree").clearCookies("active expanded focus selected");
void clearFilter()
[ext-filter] Reset the filter.
Details [ext-filter] Reset the filter.
integer count()
Return the number of nodes.
Details Return the number of nodes.
void debug(msg)
Write to browser console if debugLevel >= 2 (prepending tree name)
Details Write to browser console if debugLevel >= 2 (prepending tree name)
integer filterBranches(filter, opts={autoExpand: false})
[ext-filter] Dimm or hide whole branches.
Details [ext-filter] Dimm or hide whole branches.
integer filterNodes(filter, opts={autoExpand: false, leavesOnly: false})
[ext-filter] Dimm or hide nodes.
Details [ext-filter] Dimm or hide nodes.
FancytreeNode findNextNode(match, startNode)
Find the next visible node that starts with `match`, starting at `startNode` and wrap-around at the end.
Details Find the next visible node that starts with `match`, starting at `startNode`
and wrap-around at the end.
void generateFormElements(selected=true, active=true, opts)
Generate INPUT elements that can be submitted with html forms. In selectMode 3 only the topmost selected nodes are considered, unless `opts.stopOnParents: false` is passed.
Details Generate INPUT elements that can be submitted with html forms.

In selectMode 3 only the topmost selected nodes are considered, unless
`opts.stopOnParents: false` is passed.

FancytreeNode getActiveNode()
Return the currently active node or null.
Details Return the currently active node or null.
FancytreeNode | null getFirstChild()
Return the first top level node if any (not the invisible root node).
Details Return the first top level node if any (not the invisible root node).
FancytreeNode getFocusNode()
Return node that has keyboard focus or null.
Details Return node that has keyboard focus or null.
FancytreeNode | null getNodeByKey(key, searchRoot)
Return node with a given key or null if not found.
Details Return node with a given key or null if not found.
FancytreeNode[] | null getNodesByRef(refKey, rootNode)
[ext-clones] Return all nodes with a given refKey (null if not found).
Details [ext-clones] Return all nodes with a given refKey (null if not found).
void getPersistData()
[ext-persist] Return persistence information from cookies Called like $("#tree").fancytree("getTree").getPersistData();
Details [ext-persist] Return persistence information from cookies

Called like

FancytreeNode getRootNode()
Return the invisible system root node.
Details Return the invisible system root node.
FancytreeNode[] getSelectedNodes(stopOnParents=false)
Return an array of selected nodes.
Details Return an array of selected nodes.
boolean hasFocus()
Return true if the tree control has keyboard focus
Details Return true if the tree control has keyboard focus
void info(msg)
Write to browser console if debugLevel >= 1 (prepending tree name)
Details Write to browser console if debugLevel >= 1 (prepending tree name)
FancytreeNode | null isEditing()
[ext-edit] Check if any node in this tree in edit mode.
Details [ext-edit] Check if any node in this tree in edit mode.
$.Promise loadKeyPath(keyPathList, callback)
Make sure that a node with a given ID is loaded, by traversing - and loading - its parents. This method is ment for lazy hierarchies. A callback is executed for every node as we go.
Details Make sure that a node with a given ID is loaded, by traversing - and
loading - its parents. This method is ment for lazy hierarchies.
A callback is executed for every node as we go.
void reactivate()
Re-fire beforeActivate and activate events.
Details Re-fire beforeActivate and activate events.
$.Promise reload(source)
Reload tree from source and return a promise.
Details Reload tree from source and return a promise.
void render(force=false, deep=false)
Render tree (i.e. create DOM elements for all top-level nodes).
Details Render tree (i.e. create DOM elements for all top-level nodes).
void setFocus(flag=true) Details
Array | object toDict(includeRoot=false, callback(node))
Return all nodes as nested list of NodeData.
Details Return all nodes as nested list of NodeData.
boolean visit(fn)
Call fn(node) for all nodes.
Details Call fn(node) for all nodes.
void warn(msg)
Write warning to browser console (prepending tree info)


new FancytreeNode(parent, obj)

Creates a new FancytreeNode
Name Type Description
parent FancytreeNode  
obj NodeData  
Type Name Description
Fancytree tree The tree instance
FancytreeNode parent The parent node
string key Node id (must be unique inside the tree)
string title Display name (may contain HTML)
object data Contains all extra data that was passed on node creation
FancytreeNode[] | null | undefined children Array of child nodes.
For lazy nodes, null or undefined means 'not yet loaded'. Use an empty array to define a node that has no children.
boolean expanded Use isExpanded(), setExpanded() to access this property.
string extraClasses Addtional CSS classes, added to the node's `<span>`
boolean folder Folder nodes have different default icons and click behavior.
Note: Also non-folders may have children.
string statusNodeType null or type of temporarily generated system node like 'loading', or 'error'.
boolean lazy True if this node is loaded on demand, i.e. on first expansion.
boolean selected Use isSelected(), setSelected() to access this property.
string tooltip Alternative description used as hover banner

addChildren(children, insertBefore)


addNode(node, mode=child)








copyTo(node, mode=child, map)








editCreateNode(mode='child', init)




































getParentList(includeRoot=false, includeSelf=false)




















































moveTo(targetNode, mode, map)


navigate(where, activate=true)








render(force=false, deep=false)






reRegister(key, refKey)




scheduleAction(mode, ms)


scrollIntoView(effects=false, options=null)


setActive(flag=true, opts)


setExpanded(flag=true, opts)






setStatus(status, message, details)




sortChildren(cmp, deep=false)


toDict(recursive=false, callback)






visit(fn, includeSelf=false)


visitAndLoad(fn, includeSelf=false)


visitParents(fn, includeSelf=false)


Return Type Name and Arguments Details
FancytreeNode addChildren(children, insertBefore)
Append (or insert) a list of child nodes.
Details Append (or insert) a list of child nodes.
FancytreeNode addNode(node, mode=child)
Append or prepend a node, or append a child node. This a convenience function that calls addChildren()
Details Append or prepend a node, or append a child node.

This a convenience function that calls addChildren()

FancytreeNode appendSibling(node)
Append new node after this. This a convenience function that calls addNode(node, 'after')
Details Append new node after this.

This a convenience function that calls addNode(node, 'after')

$.Promise applyPatch(patch)
Modify existing child nodes.
Details Modify existing child nodes.
$.Promise collapseSiblings()
Collapse all sibling nodes.
Details Collapse all sibling nodes.
FancytreeNode copyTo(node, mode=child, map)
Copy this node as sibling or child of `node`.
Details Copy this node as sibling or child of `node`.
int countChildren(deep=true)
Count direct and indirect children.
Details Count direct and indirect children.
void debug(msg)
Write to browser console if debugLevel >= 2 (prepending node info)
Details Write to browser console if debugLevel >= 2 (prepending node info)
void discard()
Details Deprecated.
void editCreateNode(mode='child', init)
[ext-edit] Create a new child or sibling node and start edit mode.
Details [ext-edit] Create a new child or sibling node and start edit mode.
void editEnd(applyChanges=false)
[ext-edit] Stop inline editing.
Details [ext-edit] Stop inline editing.
void editStart()
[ext-edit] Start inline editing of current node title.
Details [ext-edit] Start inline editing of current node title.
FancytreeNode[] findAll(match)
Find all nodes that contain `match` in the title.
Details Find all nodes that contain `match` in the title.
FancytreeNode findFirst(match)
Find first node that contains `match` in the title (not including self).
Details Find first node that contains `match` in the title (not including self).
void fixSelection3AfterClick()
Fix selection status, after this node was (de)selected in multi-hier mode. This includes (de)selecting all children.
Details Fix selection status, after this node was (de)selected in multi-hier mode.
This includes (de)selecting all children.
void fixSelection3FromEndNodes()
Fix selection status for multi-hier mode. Only end-nodes are considered to update the descendants branch and parents. Should be called after this node has loaded new children or after children have been modified using the API.
Details Fix selection status for multi-hier mode.
Only end-nodes are considered to update the descendants branch and parents.
Should be called after this node has loaded new children or after
children have been modified using the API.
void fromDict(dict)
Update node data. If dict contains 'children', then also replace the hole sub tree.
Details Update node data. If dict contains 'children', then also replace
the hole sub tree.
FancytreeNode[] | undefined getChildren()
Return the list of child nodes (undefined for unexpanded lazy nodes).
Details Return the list of child nodes (undefined for unexpanded lazy nodes).
FancytreeNode[] | null getCloneList(includeSelf=false)
[ext-clones] Return a list of clone-nodes or null.
Details [ext-clones] Return a list of clone-nodes or null.
FancytreeNode | null getFirstChild()
Return the first child node or null.
Details Return the first child node or null.
int getIndex()
Return the 0-based child index.
Details Return the 0-based child index.
string getIndexHier()
Return the hierarchical child index (1-based, e.g. '3.2.4').
Details Return the hierarchical child index (1-based, e.g. '3.2.4').
string getKeyPath(excludeSelf=false)
Return the parent keys separated by options.keyPathSeparator, e.g. "id_1/id_17/id_32".
Details Return the parent keys separated by options.keyPathSeparator, e.g. "id_1/id_17/id_32".
FancytreeNode | null getLastChild()
Return the last child of this node or null.
Details Return the last child of this node or null.
int getLevel()
Return node depth. 0: System root node, 1: visible top-level node, 2: first sub-level, ... .
Details Return node depth. 0: System root node, 1: visible top-level node, 2: first sub-level, ... .
FancytreeNode | null getNextSibling()
Return the successor node (under the same parent) or null.
Details Return the successor node (under the same parent) or null.
FancytreeNode | null getParent()
Return the parent node (null for the system root node).
Details Return the parent node (null for the system root node).
FancytreeNode[] getParentList(includeRoot=false, includeSelf=false)
Return an array of all parent nodes (top-down).
Details Return an array of all parent nodes (top-down).
FancytreeNode | null getPrevSibling()
Return the predecessor node (under the same parent) or null.
Details Return the predecessor node (under the same parent) or null.
boolean | undefined hasChildren()
Return true if node has children. Return undefined if not sure, i.e. the node is lazy and not yet loaded).
Details Return true if node has children. Return undefined if not sure, i.e. the node is lazy and not yet loaded).
boolean hasFocus()
Return true if node has keyboard focus.
Details Return true if node has keyboard focus.
void info(msg)
Write to browser console if debugLevel >= 1 (prepending node info)
Details Write to browser console if debugLevel >= 1 (prepending node info)
boolean isActive()
Return true if node is active (see also FancytreeNode#isSelected).
Details Return true if node is active (see also FancytreeNode#isSelected).
boolean isChildOf(otherNode)
Return true if node is a direct child of otherNode.
Details Return true if node is a direct child of otherNode.
boolean isClone()
[ext-clones] Return true if this node has at least another clone with same refKey.
Details [ext-clones] Return true if this node has at least another clone with same refKey.
boolean isDescendantOf(otherNode)
Return true, if node is a direct or indirect sub node of otherNode.
Details Return true, if node is a direct or indirect sub node of otherNode.
Boolean isEditing()
[ext-edit] Check if this node is in edit mode.
Details [ext-edit] Check if this node is in edit mode.
boolean isExpanded()
Return true if node is expanded.
Details Return true if node is expanded.
boolean isFirstSibling()
Return true if node is the first node of its parent's children.
Details Return true if node is the first node of its parent's children.
boolean isFolder()
Return true if node is a folder, i.e. has the node.folder attribute set.
Details Return true if node is a folder, i.e. has the node.folder attribute set.
boolean isLastSibling()
Return true if node is the last node of its parent's children.
Details Return true if node is the last node of its parent's children.
boolean isLazy()
Return true if node is lazy (even if data was already loaded)
Details Return true if node is lazy (even if data was already loaded)
boolean isLoaded()
Return true if node is lazy and loaded. For non-lazy nodes always return true.
Details Return true if node is lazy and loaded. For non-lazy nodes always return true.
boolean isLoading()
Return true if children are currently beeing loaded, i.e. a Ajax request is pending.
Details Return true if children are currently beeing loaded, i.e. a Ajax request is pending.
boolean isRootNode()
Return true if this is the (invisible) system root node.
Details Return true if this is the (invisible) system root node.
boolean isSelected()
Return true if node is selected, i.e. has a checkmark set (see also FancytreeNode#isActive).
Details Return true if node is selected, i.e. has a checkmark set (see also FancytreeNode#isActive).
boolean isStatusNode()
Return true if this node is a temporarily generated system node like 'loading', or 'error' (node.statusNodeType contains the type).
Details Return true if this node is a temporarily generated system node like
'loading', or 'error' (node.statusNodeType contains the type).
boolean isTopLevel()
Return true if this a top level node, i.e. a direct child of the (invisible) system root node.
Details Return true if this a top level node, i.e. a direct child of the (invisible) system root node.
boolean isUndefined()
Return true if node is lazy and not yet loaded. For non-lazy nodes always return false.
Details Return true if node is lazy and not yet loaded. For non-lazy nodes always return false.
boolean isVisible()
Return true if all parent nodes are expanded. Note: this does not check whether the node is scrolled into the visible part of the screen.
Details Return true if all parent nodes are expanded. Note: this does not check
whether the node is scrolled into the visible part of the screen.
void lazyLoad()
Details Deprecated.
$.Promise load(forceReload=false)
Load all children of a lazy node if neccessary. The *expanded* state is maintained.
Details Load all children of a lazy node if neccessary. The *expanded* state is maintained.
$.Promise makeVisible(opts)
Expand all parents and optionally scroll into visible area as neccessary. Promise is resolved, when lazy loading and animations are done.
Details Expand all parents and optionally scroll into visible area as neccessary.
Promise is resolved, when lazy loading and animations are done.
void moveTo(targetNode, mode, map)
Move this node to targetNode.
Details Move this node to targetNode.
$.Promise navigate(where, activate=true)
Set focus relative to this node and optionally activate.
Details Set focus relative to this node and optionally activate.
void remove()
Remove this node (not allowed for system root).
Details Remove this node (not allowed for system root).
void removeChild(childNode)
Remove childNode from list of direct children.
Details Remove childNode from list of direct children.
void removeChildren()
Remove all child nodes and descendents. This converts the node into a leaf.
If this was a lazy node, it is still considered 'loaded'; call node.resetLazy() in order to trigger lazyLoad on next expand.
Details Remove all child nodes and descendents. This converts the node into a leaf.

If this was a lazy node, it is still considered 'loaded'; call node.resetLazy()
in order to trigger lazyLoad on next expand.
void render(force=false, deep=false)
This method renders and updates all HTML markup that is required to display this node in its current state.
  • It should only be neccessary to call this method after the node object was modified by direct access to its properties, because the common API methods (node.setTitle(), moveTo(), addChildren(), remove(), ...) already handle this.
  • FancytreeNode#renderTitle and FancytreeNode#renderStatus are implied. If changes are more local, calling only renderTitle() or renderStatus() may be sufficient and faster.
  • If a node was created/removed, node.render() must be called on the parent.
Details This method renders and updates all HTML markup that is required
to display this node in its current state.

  • It should only be neccessary to call this method after the node object
    was modified by direct access to its properties, because the common
    API methods (node.setTitle(), moveTo(), addChildren(), remove(), ...)
    already handle this.
  • FancytreeNode#renderTitle and FancytreeNode#renderStatus
    are implied. If changes are more local, calling only renderTitle() or
    renderStatus() may be sufficient and faster.
  • If a node was created/removed, node.render() must be called on the parent.
void renderStatus()
Update element's CSS classes according to node state.
Details Update element's CSS classes according to node state.
void renderTitle()
Create HTML markup for the node's outer <span> (expander, checkbox, icon, and title).
Details Create HTML markup for the node's outer <span> (expander, checkbox, icon, and title).
boolean reRegister(key, refKey)
[ext-clones] Update key and/or refKey for an existing node.
Details [ext-clones] Update key and/or refKey for an existing node.
void resetLazy()
Remove all children, collapse, and set the lazy-flag, so that the lazyLoad event is triggered on next expand.
Details Remove all children, collapse, and set the lazy-flag, so that the lazyLoad
event is triggered on next expand.
void scheduleAction(mode, ms)
Schedule activity for delayed execution (cancel any pending request). scheduleAction('cancel') will only cancel a pending request (if any).
Details Schedule activity for delayed execution (cancel any pending request).
scheduleAction('cancel') will only cancel a pending request (if any).
$.Promise scrollIntoView(effects=false, options=null) Details
$.Promise setActive(flag=true, opts)
Activate this node.
Details Activate this node.
$.Promise setExpanded(flag=true, opts)
Expand or collapse this node. Promise is resolved, when lazy loading and animations are done.
Details Expand or collapse this node. Promise is resolved, when lazy loading and animations are done.
void setFocus(flag=true)
Set keyboard focus to this node.
Details Set keyboard focus to this node.
void setSelected(flag=true)
Select this node, i.e. check the checkbox.
Details Select this node, i.e. check the checkbox.
void setStatus(status, message, details)
Mark a lazy node as 'error', 'loading', or 'ok'.
Details Mark a lazy node as 'error', 'loading', or 'ok'.
void setTitle(title)
Rename this node.
Details Rename this node.
void sortChildren(cmp, deep=false)
Sort child list by title.
Details Sort child list by title.
NodeData toDict(recursive=false, callback)
Convert node (or whole branch) into a plain object. The result is compatible with node.addChildren().
Details Convert node (or whole branch) into a plain object.

The result is compatible with node.addChildren().

void toggleExpanded()
Flip expanded status.
Details Flip expanded status.
void toggleSelected()
Flip selection status.
Details Flip selection status.
boolean visit(fn, includeSelf=false)
Call fn(node) for all child nodes.
Stop iteration, if fn() returns false. Skip current branch, if fn() returns "skip".
Return false if iteration was stopped.
Details Call fn(node) for all child nodes.

Stop iteration, if fn() returns false. Skip current branch, if fn() returns "skip".

Return false if iteration was stopped.
$.Promise visitAndLoad(fn, includeSelf=false)
Call fn(node) for all child nodes and recursively load lazy children.
Note: If you need this method, you probably should consider to review your architecture! Recursivley loading nodes is a perfect way for lazy programmers to flood the server with requests ;-)
Details Call fn(node) for all child nodes and recursively load lazy children.

Note: If you need this method, you probably should consider to review
your architecture! Recursivley loading nodes is a perfect way for lazy
programmers to flood the server with requests ;-)
boolean visitParents(fn, includeSelf=false)
Call fn(node) for all parent nodes, bottom-up, including invisible system root.
Stop iteration, if fn() returns false.
Return false if iteration was stopped.
Details Call fn(node) for all parent nodes, bottom-up, including invisible system root.

Stop iteration, if fn() returns false.

Return false if iteration was stopped.
void warn(msg)
Write warning to browser console (prepending node info)


$("#tree").fancytree("getTree") //获取tree的根节点
$("#tree").fancytree("getRootNode") //访问每个节点并把节点展开
$("#tree").fancytree("getRootNode").visit(function(node) {



These additional methods of the Fancytree class are 'hook functions' that can be used and overloaded by extensions. (See writing extensions.)



nodeCollapseSiblings(ctx, callOpts)






nodeLoadChildren(ctx, source)




nodeRemoveChild(ctx, childNode)








nodeRender(ctx, force=false, deep=false, collapsed=false)




nodeRenderTitle(ctx, title)


nodeSetActive(ctx, flag=true, opts)


nodeSetExpanded(ctx, flag=true, opts)


nodeSetFocus(ctx, flag=true)


nodeSetSelected(ctx, flag=true)


nodeSetStatus(ctx, status, message, details)














treeLoad(ctx, source)


treeRegisterNode(ctx, add, node)


Return Type Name and Arguments Details
void nodeClick(ctx)
Default handling for mouse click events.
Details Default handling for mouse click events.
void nodeCollapseSiblings(ctx, callOpts)
Collapse all other children of same parent.
Details Collapse all other children of same parent.
void nodeDblclick(ctx)
Default handling for mouse douleclick events.
Details Default handling for mouse douleclick events.
void nodeKeydown(ctx)
Default handling for mouse keydown events. NOTE: this may be called with node == null if tree (but no node) has focus.
Details Default handling for mouse keydown events.

NOTE: this may be called with node == null if tree (but no node) has focus.

$.Promise nodeLoadChildren(ctx, source)
Load child nodes (async).
Details Load child nodes (async).
void nodeLoadKeyPath()
[Not Implemented]
Details [Not Implemented]
void nodeRemoveChild(ctx, childNode)
Remove a single direct child of ctx.node.
Details Remove a single direct child of ctx.node.
void nodeRemoveChildMarkup(ctx)
Remove HTML markup for all descendents of ctx.node.
Details Remove HTML markup for all descendents of ctx.node.
void nodeRemoveChildren(ctx)
Remove all descendants of ctx.node.
Details Remove all descendants of ctx.node.
void nodeRemoveMarkup(ctx)
Remove HTML markup for ctx.node and all its descendents.
Details Remove HTML markup for ctx.node and all its descendents.
void nodeRender(ctx, force=false, deep=false, collapsed=false)
Create `<li><span>..</span> .. </li>` tags for this node. This method takes care that all HTML markup is created that is required to display this node in it's current state. Call this method to create new nodes, or after the strucuture was changed (e.g. after moving this node or adding/removing children) nodeRenderTitle() and nodeRenderStatus() are implied. Note: if a node was created/removed, nodeRender() must be called for the parent.< code>< li id='KEY' ftnode=NODE> <span class='fancytree-node fancytree-expanded fancytree-has-children fancytree-lastsib fancytree-exp-el fancytree-ico-e'> <span class="fancytree-expander"></span> <span class="fancytree-checkbox"></span> // only present in checkbox mode <span class="fancytree-icon"></span> <a href="#" class="fancytree-title"> Node 1 </a> </span> <ul> // only present if node has children <li id='KEY' ftnode=NODE> child1 ... </li> <li id='KEY' ftnode=NODE> child2 ... </li> </ul>< /li>< /code>
Details Create `<li><span>..</span> .. </li>` tags for this node.

This method takes care that all HTML markup is created that is required
to display this node in it's current state.

Call this method to create new nodes, or after the strucuture
was changed (e.g. after moving this node or adding/removing children)
nodeRenderTitle() and nodeRenderStatus() are implied.

Note: if a node was created/removed, nodeRender() must be called for the
<li id='KEY' ftnode=NODE>
<span class='fancytree-node fancytree-expanded fancytree-has-children fancytree-lastsib fancytree-exp-el fancytree-ico-e'>
<span class="fancytree-expander"></span>
<span class="fancytree-checkbox"></span> // only present in checkbox mode
<span class="fancytree-icon"></span>
<a href="#" class="fancytree-title"> Node 1 </a>
<ul> // only present if node has children
<li id='KEY' ftnode=NODE> child1 ... </li>
<li id='KEY' ftnode=NODE> child2 ... </li>

void nodeRenderStatus(ctx)
Update element classes according to node state.
Details Update element classes according to node state.
void nodeRenderTitle(ctx, title)
Create HTML inside the node's outer <span> (i.e. expander, checkbox, icon, and title). nodeRenderStatus() is implied.
Details Create HTML inside the node's outer <span> (i.e. expander, checkbox,
icon, and title).

nodeRenderStatus() is implied.

$.Promise nodeSetActive(ctx, flag=true, opts)
Activate node. flag defaults to true. If flag is true, the node is activated (must be a synchronous operation) If flag is false, the node is deactivated (must be a synchronous operation)
Details Activate node.
flag defaults to true.
If flag is true, the node is activated (must be a synchronous operation)
If flag is false, the node is deactivated (must be a synchronous operation)
$.Promise nodeSetExpanded(ctx, flag=true, opts)
Expand or collapse node, return Deferred.promise.
Details Expand or collapse node, return Deferred.promise.
void nodeSetFocus(ctx, flag=true)
Focus or blur this node.
Details Focus or blur this node.
void nodeSetSelected(ctx, flag=true)
(De)Select node, return new status (sync).
Details (De)Select node, return new status (sync).
void nodeSetStatus(ctx, status, message, details)
Show node status (ok, loading, error) using styles and a dummy child node.
Details Show node status (ok, loading, error) using styles and a dummy child node.
void nodeToggleExpanded(ctx) Details
void nodeToggleSelected(ctx) Details
void treeClear(ctx)
Remove all nodes.
Details Remove all nodes.
void treeCreate(ctx)
Widget was created (called only once, even it re-initialized).
Details Widget was created (called only once, even it re-initialized).
void treeDestroy(ctx)
Widget was destroyed.
Details Widget was destroyed.
void treeInit(ctx)
Widget was (re-)initialized.
Details Widget was (re-)initialized.
void treeLoad(ctx, source)
Parse Fancytree from source, as configured in the options.
Details Parse Fancytree from source, as configured in the options.
void treeRegisterNode(ctx, add, node)
Node was inserted into or removed from the tree.
Details Node was inserted into or removed from the tree.
void treeSetFocus(ctx, flag=true)
Widget got focus.







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