C# MagicOnion 基本使用 IService ServiceBase



MagicOnion是一个实时网络引擎,如SignalR,Socket.io和RPC-Web API框架(如任何网络框架)。MagicOnion基于gRPC构建,因此传输速度非常快(HTTP / 2)和紧凑的(二进制)网络传输。它不需要.proto并生成与普通gRPC不同的内容。协议架构可以共享C#接口和类。



   Install-Package MagicOnion

1.2 来个官方的demo 



using Grpc.Core;
using MagicOnion;
using MagicOnion.Server;
using System;

// implement RPC service to Server Project.
// inehrit ServiceBase<interface>, interface
public class MyFirstService : ServiceBase<IMyFirstService>, IMyFirstService
    // You can use async syntax directly.
    public async UnaryResult<int> SumAsync(int x, int y)
        Logger.Debug($"Received:{x}, {y}");

        return x + y;

// define interface as Server/Client IDL.
// implements T : IService<T> and share this type between server and client.
public interface IMyFirstService : IService<IMyFirstService>
    // Return type must be `UnaryResult<T>` or `Task<UnaryResult<T>>`.
    // If you can use C# 7.0 or newer, recommend to use `UnaryResult<T>`.
    UnaryResult<int> SumAsync(int x, int y);


class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        GrpcEnvironment.SetLogger(new Grpc.Core.Logging.ConsoleLogger());//这里会打印输出客户端退出的错误,注释掉就行

        // setup MagicOnion and option.
        var service = MagicOnionEngine.BuildServerServiceDefinition(isReturnExceptionStackTraceInErrorDetail: true);

        var server = new global::Grpc.Core.Server
            Services = { service },
            Ports = { new ServerPort("localhost", 12345, ServerCredentials.Insecure) }//默认端口是12345
        // launch gRPC Server.

        // and wait.


class Program
    static async void Main(string[] args)
        // standard gRPC channel
       var channel = new Channel("localhost", 12345, ChannelCredentials.Insecure);

       // get MagicOnion dynamic client proxy
       var client = MagicOnionClient.Create<IMyFirstService>(channel);

       // call method.
       var result = await client.SumAsync(100, 200);
       Console.WriteLine("Client Received:" + result);




// 摘要:
    //     Wrapped AsyncUnaryCall.
    public struct UnaryResult<TResponse>
        public UnaryResult(TResponse rawValue);
        public UnaryResult(Task<TResponse> rawTaskValue);
        public UnaryResult(Task<ResponseContext<TResponse>> response);

        // 摘要:
        //     Asynchronous call result.
        public Task<TResponse> ResponseAsync { get; }
        // 摘要:
        //     Asynchronous access to response headers.
        public Task<Metadata> ResponseHeadersAsync { get; }

        // 摘要:
        //     Provides means to cleanup after the call. If the call has already finished normally
        //     (request stream has been completed and call result has been received), doesn‘t
        //     do anything. Otherwise, requests cancellation of the call which should terminate
        //     all pending async operations associated with the call. As a result, all resources
        //     being used by the call should be released eventually.
        // 言论:
        //     Normally, there is no need for you to dispose the call unless you want to utilize
        //     the "Cancel" semantics of invoking Dispose.
        public void Dispose();
        // 摘要:
        //     Allows awaiting this object directly.
        public TaskAwaiter<TResponse> GetAwaiter();
        // 摘要:
        //     Gets the call status if the call has already finished. Throws InvalidOperationException
        //     otherwise.
        public Status GetStatus();
        // 摘要:
        //     Gets the call trailing metadata if the call has already finished. Throws InvalidOperationException
        //     otherwise.
        public Metadata GetTrailers();

C# MagicOnion 基本使用 IService ServiceBase

上一篇:Django API接口FK ManyTo Many 模板
