[200914] Weekly Progress: Blockchain

        阅读了《Mastering Bitcoin》的前四章,技术人员的区块链入门图书。中英文版链接如下,推荐英文版为主,中文版为辅。



        Last week, I mainly read the first four chapters of the second edition of the English book "Mastering Bitcoin". They are Introduction, How Bitcoin Works, Bitcoin Core: The Reference Implementation, Key and Addresses.         Different from the last undergraduate general introduction book, this book has a deeper and more professional description of the underlying working principle of Bitcoin. Through the study of the previous chapters, I can obviously feel a little bit difficult.         1.1 By visiting the mobile client of the smartphone (Mycelium APP) and the online web client (blockchain.info), I can see the actual bitcoin transaction information in the book example. It's not only in the concept, but it is the first real contact with Bitcoin for me.         1.2 Learn about several common transaction forms: common transaction, Aggregating transaction, and distributed transaction. Learned the complete construction process of a transaction and the concept of "change" which is different from real life.         1.3 Understand the concept of a wallet and learn how to generate, store and manage keys. In particular, I have a basic understanding of elliptic curve cryptography, the SHA256 hash algorithm, and the Base58Check encoding mechanism. Next Plan         In the learning process of Chapter 3, it is necessary to build a command-line bitcoin client (bitcoind) on Linux to connect to the bitcoin network to learn in-depth knowledge, but an error is reported during the configuration environment, and further attempts are required. The efficiency of reading English books may not be fast, but I will try my best to finish reading this book next week.
