

参考:Application Note Object-Oriented Programming in C (AN_OOP_in_C)一书



1. 引子


  • 封装:将数据和函数打包到类中的能力
  • 继承:基于现有类定义新类的能力,以获得重用和代码组织
  • 多态:在运行时相互替换匹配接口对象的能力

2. 封装

2.1 封装要素

  • 类的属性是由 C 结构体定义的,eg:FILE struct
  • 类的操作由C函数定义
    • 每个函数都有一个指向该类结构的结构体指针参数,FILE *
    • 每个函数的命名都按照统一的通用的命名约定
  • 拥有特定的初始化和去初始化函数,作为构造和析构函数,fopen()fclose()

2.1 封装实例

#ifndef SHAPE_H
#define SHAPE_H

#include <stdint.h>

/* Shape's attributes... */
typedef struct {
    int16_t x; /* x-coordinate of Shape's position */
    int16_t y; /* y-coordinate of Shape's position */
} Shape;

/* Shape's operations (Shape's interface)... */
void Shape_ctor(Shape * const me, int16_t x, int16_t y);
void Shape_moveBy(Shape * const me, int16_t dx, int16_t dy);
int16_t Shape_getX(Shape const * const me);
int16_t Shape_getY(Shape const * const me);

#endif /* SHAPE_H */
#include "shape.h" /* Shape class interface */

/* constructor implementation */
void Shape_ctor(Shape * const me, int16_t x, int16_t y) {
    me->x = x;
    me->y = y;

/* move-by operation implementation */
void Shape_moveBy(Shape * const me, int16_t dx, int16_t dy) {
    me->x += dx;
    me->y += dy;

/* "getter" operations implementation */
int16_t Shape_getX(Shape const * const me) {
    return me->x;
int16_t Shape_getY(Shape const * const me) {
    return me->y;


  • 指针me作为第一个参数,起到this指针的作用

3. 继承


3.1 继承实现方法

  1. 子类.h文件引用基类.h

  2. 通过将继承的类属性结构嵌入为派生类属性结构的第一个成员

    #ifndef RECT_H
    #define RECT_H
    #include "shape.h" /* the base class interface */
    /* Rectangle's attributes... */
    typedef struct {
        Shape super; /* <== inherits Shape */
        /* attributes added by this subclass... */
        uint16_t width;
        uint16_t height;
    } Rectangle;
    /* constructor prototype */
    void Rectangle_ctor(Rectangle * const me, int16_t x, int16_t y,
                        uint16_t width, uint16_t height);
    #endif /* RECT_H */


  1. 子类的构造函数,第一步需要调用基类的构造函数

    #include "rect.h"
    /* constructor implementation */
    void Rectangle_ctor(Rectangle * const me, int16_t x, int16_t y,
                        uint16_t width, uint16_t height)
        /* first call superclass ctor */
        Shape_ctor(&me->super, x, y);
        /* next, you initialize the attributes added by this subclass... */
        me->width = width;
        me->height = height;
  2. 具体使用

    1. 实例化子类,调用构造函数

    2. 重用基类的函数,因虚调用父类的引用,可以使用以下两种方式:

      1. 因为内存中基类是位于子类的开始位置,所以可以将基类对象强制转为父类对象,进而使用父类的函数

        Shape_moveBy((Shape *)&r1, -2, 3);
      2. 可以利用子类实例调用父类成员,进而使用父类的函数

        Shape_moveBy(&r2.super, 2, -1);
      int main() {
          Rectangle r1, r2; /* multiple instances of Rect */
          /* instantiate rectangles... */
          Rectangle_ctor(&r1, 0, 2, 10, 15);
          Rectangle_ctor(&r2, -1, 3, 5, 8);
          printf("Rect r1(x=%d,y=%d,width=%d,height=%d)\n",
                 Shape_getX(&r1.super), Shape_getY(&r1.super),
                 r1.width, r1.height);
          printf("Rect r2(x=%d,y=%d,width=%d,height=%d)\n",
                 Shape_getX(&r2.super), Shape_getY(&r2.super),
                 r2.width, r2.height);
          /* re-use inherited function from the superclass Shape... */
          Shape_moveBy((Shape *)&r1, -2, 3);
          Shape_moveBy(&r2.super, 2, -1);
          printf("Rect r1(x=%d,y=%d,width=%d,height=%d)\n",
                 Shape_getX(&r1.super), Shape_getY(&r1.super),
                 r1.width, r1.height);
          printf("Rect r2(x=%d,y=%d,width=%d,height=%d)\n",
                 Shape_getX(&r2.super), Shape_getY(&r2.super),
                 r2.width, r2.height);
          return 0;

4. 多态


4.1 虚函数表和虚函数指针

c++中实现多态是利用虚函数。在C 语言中,使用函数指针+虚函数表,构成虚函数,实现虚函数的机制

作为抽象接口,其不同的子类有不同的函数实现方法,需要在运行时动态根据本身的类型进行选择,如下图所示Rectangle 和 Circle 作为 Shape 的子类,其计算面积和实际绘制时有不同的方法,但是可以抽象出相同的动作,即计算面积和绘图。


/* Shape.h */

/* Shape's attributes... */
struct ShapeVtbl; /* forward declaration */
typedef struct {
    struct ShapeVtbl const *vptr; /* <== Shape's Virtual Pointer */
    int16_t x; /* x-coordinate of Shape's position */
    int16_t y; /* y-coordinate of Shape's position */
} Shape;

/* Shape's virtual table */
struct ShapeVtbl {
    uint32_t (*area)(Shape const * const me);
    void (*draw)(Shape const * const me);

/* Shape's operations (Shape's interface)... */

static inline uint32_t Shape_area(Shape const * const me) {
    return (*me->vptr->area)(me);

static inline void Shape_draw(Shape const * const me) {

Shape_area作为虚函数,对于 Shape 的子类会有很多不同的方法,这也意味着虚函数不能像普通函数那样在链接时被解析,因为要调用的实际函数需要依赖于实例的类型(Rectangle or Circle),因此,对虚函数的调用和实际实现之间的绑定必须在运行时发生,即后期绑定(链接期间的绑定称为 早期绑定)

实际上,所有的c++ 编译器都是通过每个类的一个虚拟表(vtbl)和每个对象的一个虚指针(vtpl),这种方法在C语言中也能实现,C 语言中虚拟表由一个函数制作作为成员的Struct构成

虚指针vtpr指向类中虚函数表,该指针必须存在于每个实例(对象)中,因此它必须进入类的属性结构,如示例中,使用在顶部添加的vptr成员来增强的 Shape 类的属性结构,值得注意的是,vtpr被声明为const,因为虚拟表不应该被更改,而且实际中在ROOM中被分配


4.2 在构造函数中设置 vtpr

虚指针vtpr必须要初始化,以指向类的每个实例中对应的虚拟表(vtbl),最为理想的地方是构造函数中,C++ 就是在构造函数中隐式设置,在C语言中必须显示地进行设置,如下示例在构造函数中进行显示的初始化vtpr

/* Shape's prototypes of its virtual functions */
static uint32_t Shape_area_(Shape const * const me);
static void Shape_draw_(Shape const * const me);

/* constructor */
void Shape_ctor(Shape * const me, int16_t x, int16_t y) {
    static struct ShapeVtbl const vtbl = { /* vtbl of the Shape class */
     me->vptr = &vtbl; /* "hook" the vptr to the vtbl */
     me->x = x;
     me->y = y;

/* Shape class implementations of its virtual functions... */
static uint32_t Shape_area_(Shape const * const me) {
    assert(0); /* purely-virtual function should never be called */
    return 0U; /* to avoid compiler warnings */

static void Shape_draw_(Shape const * const me) {
    assert(0); /* purely-virtual function should never be called */



4.3 继承vtbl及在子类中重写vtpr



/* Rectangle's prototypes of its virtual functions */
/* NOTE: the "me" pointer has the type of the superclass to fit the vtable */
static uint32_t Rectangle_area_(Shape const * const me);
static void Rectangle_draw_(Shape const * const me);

/* constructor */
void Rectangle_ctor(Rectangle * const me, int16_t x, int16_t y,
                    uint16_t width, uint16_t height)
    static struct ShapeVtbl const vtbl = { /* vtbl of the Rectangle class */
    Shape_ctor(&me->super, x, y); /* call the superclass' ctor */
    me->super.vptr = &vtbl; /* override the vptr */
    me->width = width;
    me->height = height;

/* Rectangle's class implementations of its virtual functions... */
static uint32_t Rectangle_area_(Shape const * const me) {
    Rectangle const * const me_ = (Rectangle const *)me; /* explicit downcast */
    return (uint32_t)me_->width * (uint32_t)me_->height;

static void Rectangle_draw_(Shape const * const me) {
    Rectangle const * const me_ = (Rectangle const *)me; /* explicit downcast */
           Shape_getX(me), Shape_getY(me), me_->width, me_->height);

需要注意的是,在子类的构造函数中,父类构造函数必须首先被调用,以此初始化继承的成员me->super,这个构造器将(Shape_ctor)vptr指向了Shapevtbl,然而me->super.vptr = &vtbl;vtpr重写了,使得其指向了Rectanglevtbl


4.4 虚函数调用(后期绑定)


uint32_t Shape_area(Shape const * const me) {
    return (*me->vptr->area)(me);

这个函数可以放在.c文件范围内,但是每个虚函数调用时,都会产生额外的函数调用开销,为了避免这种开销,可以使用static inline直接在.h文件中定义减少开销:

static inline uint32_t Shape_area(Shape const * const me) {
    return (*me->vptr->area)(me);


#define Shape_area(me_) ((*(me_)->vptr->area)((me_)))



4.5 使用虚函数的实例


#include "rect.h"   /* Rectangle class interface */
#include "circle.h" /* Circle class interface */
#include <stdio.h>  /* for printf() */

int main() {
    Rectangle r1, r2; /* multiple instances of Rectangle */
    Circle    c1, c2; /* multiple instances of Circle */
    Shape const *shapes[] = { /* collection of shapes */
    Shape const *s;

    /* instantiate rectangles... */
    Rectangle_ctor(&r1, 0, 2, 10, 15);
    Rectangle_ctor(&r2, -1, 3, 5, 8);

    /* instantiate circles... */
    Circle_ctor(&c1, 1, -2, 12);
    Circle_ctor(&c2, 1, -3, 6);

    s = largestShape(shapes, sizeof(shapes)/sizeof(shapes[0]));
    printf("largetsShape s(x=%d,y=%d)\n",
           Shape_getX(s), Shape_getY(s));

    drawAllShapes(shapes, sizeof(shapes)/sizeof(shapes[0]));

    return 0;

5 小结




上一篇:Solana 生态逐渐起势,哪些项目值得关注?

下一篇:JVM、JRE、JDK、Java SE、Java EE、Java ME