JavaScript Patterns 4.8 Function Properties - A Memoization Pattern

Gets a length property containing the number of arguments the function expects:

function func(a, b, c) {}

console.log(func.length); // 3

var myFunc = function () {

    //  serialize the arguments object as a JSON string and use that string as a key in your cache object
    var cachekey = JSON.stringify(,
    if (!myFunc.cache[cachekey]) {
        var result = {};
        // ... expensive operation ...
        myFunc.cache[cachekey] = result;

    return myFunc.cache[cachekey];


// cache storage

myFunc.cache = {};


JavaScript Patterns 4.8 Function Properties - A Memoization Pattern,布布扣,

JavaScript Patterns 4.8 Function Properties - A Memoization Pattern

