[整] Android Fragment 生命周期图

1. onAttach ------called once the fragment is associated with its activity 

2. onCreate-------called to do initial creation of the fragment

3. onCreateView---creates and returns the view hierarchy associated with the fragment

4.onActivityCreated ---tells the fragment that its activity has completed its own {@link Activity#onCreate Activity.onCreaate}

5.onStart----------makes the fragment visible to the user (based on its containing activity being started)

6.onResume-----makes the fragment interacting with the user (based on its containing activity being resumed).

7. onPause----- fragment is no longer interacting with the user either because its activity is being paused or a fragment operation is modifying it in the activity.

8.onStop------fragment is no longer visible to the user either  because its activity is being stopped or a fragment operation is modifying it  in the activity.

9.onDestroyView ------allows the fragment to clean up resources  associated with its View.

10.onDestroy---------called to do final cleanup of the fragment‘s state.

11.onDetach--------called immediately prior to the fragment no longer   being associated with its activity

[整] Android Fragment 生命周期图




[整] Android Fragment 生命周期图

1. 当一个fragment被创建的时候,它会经历以下状态.

  • onAttach()
  • onCreate()
  • onCreateView()
  • onActivityCreated()

2. 当这个fragment对用户可见的时候,它会经历以下状态。

  • onStart()
  • onResume()

3. 当这个fragment进入“后台模式”的时候,它会经历以下状态。

  • onPause()
  • onStop()

4. 当这个fragment被销毁了(或者持有它的activity被销毁了),它会经历以下状态。

  • onPause()
  • onStop()
  • onDestroyView()
  • onDestroy() // 本来漏掉类这个回调,感谢xiangxue336提出。
  • onDetach()

5. 就像activitie一样,在以下的状态中,可以使用Bundle对象保存一个fragment的对象。

  • onCreate()
  • onCreateView()
  • onActivityCreated()

6. fragments的大部分状态都和activitie很相似,但fragment有一些新的状态。

  • onAttached() —— 当fragment被加入到activity时调用(在这个方法中可以获得所在的activity)。
  • onCreateView() —— 当activity要得到fragment的layout时,调用此方法,fragment在其中创建自己的layout(界面)。
  • onActivityCreated() —— 当activity的onCreated()方法返回后调用此方法
  • onDestroyView() —— 当fragment中的视图被移除的时候,调用这个方法。
  • onDetach() —— 当fragment和activity分离的时候,调用这个方法。



[整] Android Fragment 生命周期图






[整] Android Fragment 生命周期图,布布扣,bubuko.com

[整] Android Fragment 生命周期图


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