#!/bin/bash RED='\E[1;31m' # 红 GREEN='\E[1;32m' # 绿 YELOW='\E[1;33m' # 黄 BLUE='\E[1;34m' # 蓝 PINK='\E[1;35m' # 粉红 RES='\E[0m' # 清除颜色
appName=`ls|grep .jar$` if [ -z $appName ] then echo "Please check that this script and your jar-package is in the same directory!" exit 1 fi killForceFlag=$2 function start() { count=`ps -ef |grep java|grep $appName|wc -l` if [ $count != 0 ];then echo "Maybe $appName is running, please check it..." else echo "The $appName is starting..." nohup java -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -Xms512M -Xmx4G -jar $appName > /dev/null 2>&1 & fi } function stop() { appId=`ps -ef |grep java|grep $appName|awk '{print $2}'` if [ -z $appId ] then echo "Maybe $appName not running, please check it..." else echo -n "The $appName is stopping..." if [ "$killForceFlag" == "-f" ] then echo "by force" kill -9 $appId else echo kill $appId fi fi } function status() { appId=`ps -ef |grep java|grep $appName|awk '{print $2}'` if [ -z $appId ] then echo -e "\033[31m Not running \033[0m" else echo -e "\033[32m Running [$appId] \033[0m" fi } function restart() { stop for i in {3..1} do echo -n "$i " sleep 1 done echo 0 start } function usage() { echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|status|stop -f}" echo "Example: $0 start" exit 1 } case $1 in start) start;; stop) stop;; restart) restart;; status) status;; *) usage;; esac