


poptest是国内唯一一家培养测试开发工程师的培训机构,以学员能胜任自动化测试,性能测试,测试工具开发等工作为目标。poptest推出手机自动化测试的课程,讲解appuim的实际应用,培训全程用商业项目, 大家可以加qq群进行交流:195983133。




var codes = {

Success: {

code: 0,

summary: 'The command executed successfully.'


NoSuchDriver: {

code: 6,

summary: 'A session is either terminated or not started'


NoSuchElement: {

code: 7,

summary: 'An element could not be located on the page using the given search parameters.'


NoSuchFrame: {

code: 8,

summary: 'A request to switch to a frame could not be satisfied because the frame could not be found.'


UnknownCommand: {

code: 9,

summary: 'The requested resource could not be found, or a request was received using an HTTP method that is not supported by the mapped resource.'


StaleElementReference: {

code: 10,

summary: 'An element command failed because the referenced element is no longer attached to the DOM.'


ElementNotVisible: {

code: 11,

summary: 'An element command could not be completed because the element is not visible on the page.'


InvalidElementState: {

code: 12,

summary: 'An element command could not be completed because the element is in an invalid state (e.g. attempting to click a disabled element).'


UnknownError: {

code: 13,

summary: 'An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command.'


ElementIsNotSelectable: {

code: 15,

summary: 'An attempt was made to select an element that cannot be selected.'


JavaScriptError: {

code: 17,

summary: 'An error occurred while executing user supplied JavaScript.'


XPathLookupError: {

code: 19,

summary: 'An error occurred while searching for an element by XPath.'


Timeout: {

code: 21,

summary: 'An operation did not complete before its timeout expired.'


NoSuchWindow: {

code: 23,

summary: 'A request to switch to a different window could not be satisfied because the window could not be found.'


InvalidCookieDomain: {

code: 24,

summary: 'An illegal attempt was made to set a cookie under a different domain than the current page.'


UnableToSetCookie: {

code: 25,

summary: 'A request to set a cookie\'s value could not be satisfied.'


UnexpectedAlertOpen: {

code: 26,

summary: 'A modal dialog was open, blocking this operation'


NoAlertOpenError: {

code: 27,

summary: 'An attempt was made to operate on a modal dialog when one was not open.'


ScriptTimeout: {

code: 28,

summary: 'A script did not complete before its timeout expired.'


InvalidElementCoordinates: {

code: 29,

summary: 'The coordinates provided to an interactions operation are invalid.'


IMENotAvailable: {

code: 30,

summary: 'IME was not available.'


IMEEngineActivationFailed: {

code: 31,

summary: 'An IME engine could not be started.'


InvalidSelector: {

code: 32,

summary: 'Argument was an invalid selector (e.g. XPath/CSS).'


SessionNotCreatedException: {

code: 33,

summary: 'A new session could not be created.'


MoveTargetOutOfBounds: {

code: 34,

summary: 'Target provided for a move action is out of bounds.'


NoSuchContext: {

code: 35,

summary: 'No such context found.'




if (typeof module !== "undefined") {

//首先将codes所指的json字符串赋值给模块对象codes(可以供外部调用) = codes;


module.exports.getSummaryByCode = function (code) {


code = parseInt(code, 10);

for (var c in codes) {

if (typeof codes[c].code !== "undefined" && codes[c].code === code) {


return codes[c].summary;



return 'An error occurred';




