select ma.cnt1 as "上周注册用户总数",ma.cnt2 as "上周活跃用户数",ma.cnt3 as "本周活跃用户数",cast (ma.cnt3 as double)/ma.cnt1 as "新用户留存率",cast(ma.cnt3 as double)/ma.cnt2 as "老用户留存率" from (select count(1) as cnt1 , sum((case when exists (select 1 from strategy.fcoin_settledetails b where b.settledate between cast(date_add(‘day‘,-5-day_of_week(current_date),{{s_time}})as timestamp) and cast(date_add(‘day‘,-5-day_of_week(current_date),{{e_time}})as timestamp) and b.userid = then 1 else 0 end)) as cnt2, sum((case when exists (select 1 from strategy.fcoin_settledetails b where b.settledate between cast({{s_time}} as timestamp) and cast({{e_time}} as timestamp) and b.userid = then 1 else 0 end)) as cnt3 from cptrd.account_users a where create_time between cast(date_add(‘day‘,-5-day_of_week(current_date),{{s_time}})as timestamp) and cast(date_add(‘day‘,-5-day_of_week(current_date),{{e_time}})as timestamp) )ma