PHP 使用reflection时的问题,以及解决方案

  错误:PHP Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context


class someClass
private $success = "success\n"; public function getReflection()
return new ReflectionFunction(function(){
print $this->success;
} $reflection = call_user_func([new someClass(),'getReflection']);

  原因:ReflectionFunction is operating on unbound Closures. That's why after the ReflectionFunction::invoke() call, there's no defined $this variable inside the Closure and as such your fatal error appears. ReflectionFunction 操作了一个并没有绑定对象($this)的匿名函数

  解决方案:利用 Closure::bind 改变作用域

 $reflection = call_user_func([new someClass(),'getReflection']);
//var_dump($reflection->getClosureScopeClass()->name); //string(9) "someClass"
$reflection->getClosure(), //需要绑定的匿名函数。
$reflection->getClosureThis(), //需要绑定到匿名函数的对象,或者 NULL 创建未绑定的闭包。
$reflection->getClosureScopeClass()->name //想要绑定给闭包的类作用域


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