扫描线 + 线段树 : 求矩形面积的并 ---- hnu : 12884 Area Coverage

Area Coverage
Time Limit: 10000ms, Special Time Limit:2500ms, Memory Limit:65536KB
Total submit users: 16, Accepted users: 12
Problem 12884 : No special judgement
Problem description

In this day and age, a lot of the spying on other countries is done with the use of satellites and drones equipped with cameras. All these photographs of various sizes and from various sources can be combined to give a picture of the country as a whole.
Given the photographs (that is to say, the rectangular
area covered by each, since the contents of the photographs themselves are of
course top-secret!), can you work out what the total area is of all that is
photographed? Note that certain areas can appear on multiple photographs and
should be counted only once.


On the first line one positive number: the number of test cases, at most 100.
After that per test case:
one line with an integer n (1<=n<=1000):
the number of photographs.
n lines with four space-separated integers x1,
y1, x2 and y2 (0<=x1; y1; x2; y2<=1 000 000, x1 < x2 and y1 < y2):
the coordinates of the southwest and northeast corner, respectively, of each
photograph. The photographs are all rectangular in shape with their other
corners at (x1; y2) and (x2; y1).
The coordinates correspond to a flat
two-dimensional space (i.e. we assume the Earth to be


Per test case:
one line with an integer: the total area of all that
appears on the photographs.

Sample Input
0 6 20 16
14 0 24 10
50 50 60 60
0 0 20 10
10 4 14 8
Sample Output
Problem Source
BAPC preliminary 2013







扫描线 + 线段树 : 求矩形面积的并 ---- hnu : 12884 Area Coverage






Time complexity:O(n*logn)

Source code:

* this code is made by crazyacking
* Verdict: Accepted
* Submission Date: 2015-07-23-20.40
* Time: 0MS
* Memory: 137KB
#include <queue>
#include <cstdio>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <stack>
#include <cmath>
#include <climits>
#include <map>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#define  LL long long
#define  ULL unsigned long long
using namespace std;

const int N = ;
double y[ * N];
struct LINE
     double x, y_down, y_up;
     int flag;//左线段or右线段
LINE line[N << ];
struct Tree
     int x;
     int cover;        // 覆盖次数
     bool flag;         // 是否为叶子节点
     int y_up, y_down;
Tree tree[( << ) * ];
bool cmp( LINE a, LINE b )
     return a.x < b.x;
void build( int l, int r, int x )
     tree[x].x = -; //-1表示该区间没有线段
     tree[x].cover = ;
     tree[x].flag = false;
     tree[x].y_up = y[r];
     tree[x].y_down = y[l];
     if( l + == r ) // 叶子结点: (1,2) (2,3) (3,4) (4,5)....
           tree[x].flag = true;
     int tmp = x << ;
     int mid = ( l + r ) >> ;
     build( l, mid, tmp );
     build( mid, r, tmp + );;
double insert( int i, double x, double l, double r, int flag )
     if( r <= tree[i].y_down || l >= tree[i].y_up ) //要插入的线段不在该区间
           return ;
     if( tree[i].flag ) //叶子节点
           if( tree[i].cover > )     // 需要求并面积
                 double temp_x = tree[i].x;
                 double ans = ( x - temp_x ) * ( tree[i].y_up - tree[i].y_down ); // 宽*高
                 tree[i].x = x; // 更新树中的x值
                 tree[i].cover += flag;
                 return ans;
                 tree[i].cover += flag;
                 tree[i].x = x;
                 return ;
     double ans1, ans2;
     int tmp = i << ;
     ans1 = insert( tmp, x, l, r, flag );
     ans2 = insert( tmp + , x, l, r, flag );
     return ans1 + ans2;

int main()
     ios_base::sync_with_stdio( false );
     cin.tie( );
     int T;
     cin >> T;
     double x1, y1, x2, y2;
     while( T-- )
           int n;
           cin >> n;
           int index = ;
           for( int i = ; i <= n; i++ )
                 scanf( "%lf %lf %lf %lf", &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2 );
                 y[index] = y1;
                 line[index].x = x1;
                 line[index].y_down = y1;
                 line[index].y_up = y2;
                 line[index].flag = ;
                 y[index] = y2;
                 line[index].x = x2;
                 line[index].y_down = y1;
                 line[index].y_up = y2;
                 line[index].flag = -;
           double ans = 0.0;
           sort( line + , line + + index, cmp );
           sort( y + , y + + index );
           build( , index, );
           for( int i = ; i <= index; i++ )
                 ans += insert( , line[i].x, line[i].y_down, line[i].y_up, line[i].flag );
           printf( "%.0lf\n", ans );
     return ;

