[Javascript] JavaScript Array Methods in Depth - push

Array push is used to add elements to the end of an Array. In this lesson we'll see how the push method accepts multiple arguments, can be used to merge two arrays,.

Push can accept multi args:

const pets = ["dog", "hamster"];
console.log(pets); //["dog", "hamster", "cat"] pets.push("brid", "horse");
console.log(pets); //["dog", "hamster", "cat", "brid", "horse"]

Push can merge two arrays:

const pets = ["dog", "hamster"];
const pets2 = ["Hamster", "cat"];
pets.push.apply(pets, pets2);
console.log(pets); //["dog", "hamster", "Hamster", "cat"]
上一篇:Mac: 通过蓝牙用安卓手机向Mac发送文件
